Part 15

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Narrator's POV
John's eyes widened, afraid that someone would hear her yell from the hallway. He was a bit confused as well.

Doc turned around, facing her with an angry glare.

"Who the fuck let you look at my phone?"  He yelled.

Seraphina slightly flinched, though it barely fazed her. She grabbed the phone out of his hands while he was distracted and clicked 'call'.

"Yes? Hello-"

"Leilah! Is it really you?"

"Wha- How'd you get my boyfriends phone?"

Seraphina nearly choked. "You're d-dating doc Darren? What the actual hell?!"

John was confused. Who was Leilah? He did recall her briefly telling him about her sister who had left her household. Maybe she's an old friend? Maybe it's her sister?

Doc was angered that Seraphina took his phone, and also that she was laughing.

Her eyes watered. "It really is you." She said. "We sure have a lot to catch up on."

John bit his lip, somewhat feeling empathy.

"Seraphina! Give me my phone back!" Doc said, getting impatient.

"Mmhm. I hear you have to hurry. What about I give you my number?" Leilah said.

"Yeah, sure."

Seraphina then entered the number into her own phone, and saving it, hung up.

"S-so. What we're actually here for is..." Seraphina said, nodding to John. He then took out the vial and syringe.

"When they took my ability away, they injected me with something, and took my power. Apparently, this should give me my ability back." Seraphina explained.

"We came to make sure that's it's not, I don't know, poisoned or something." John said.

Doc raised an eyebrow. "How'd you obtain this?"

Truth be told, Seraphina wasn't exactly sure, as John hadn't told her yet. She had assumed it was from yesterday, when Isen called her and John came to help. She hadn't put much thought into that.

"Well, some students needed my help, as several people attacked them. They somehow knew that they used ability amplifiers, assumed they had the opposite as well. A while after, I forced someone to hand it over to me." John said, putting emphasis on the word 'someone'. Seraphina just shrugged it off, not thinking much of it.

"Well." Doc said, examining it. "It doesn't seem to be..." He said, pausing. "Toxic. I don't think they lied to you with this."

John and Seraphina looked at each other, from the corner of their eyes and smiled.


What's the catch? John thought.

"It'd be safer to send this for testing. To the hospital."

Damn it. John thought.

Seraphina looked at the ground. "I think we can wait. Only a couple days, right?" She asked.

"Yeah." Doc answered.

"Then let's go, John. I think..." Seraphina said, seeing the door creak open. "That we should get going before others hear. Let's go."

The student opening the door only caught the last bit. "Before others hear." But what, he thought? He shook it off, safely assuming it wasn't his business to meddle with.

The two teens had left the infirmary.

"So... we should probably head to class." Seraphina said.

"Don't feel like it. Follow me." John said.

"It's a lot safer on a classroom then out here in the open, unless..." Seraphina trailed off. John just ignored what she said, not replying.

They had made it back onto the roof, where they were earlier. John slumped down on the ground, leaning against the fence.

"You do know you're getting bad grades in  Language and History, right? Go any lower, and you'll barely be passing." Seraphina stated.

"Ugh, don't remind me. I don't care." John said.

"Did we come up here for any reason in particular?" Seraphina asked.

"Just... wanted to clear my head. And also..." John said, pausing. "Who is Leilah? Is that your sister?"

"Yeah..." Seraphina answered. "She left us almost five years ago. She couldn't handle the pressure my parents put on her."

John felt a bit lucky that his dad wasn't like her mom. Mom. He remembered the encounter yesterday. I won't mention it to her. John thought. No need. Then, he remembered the 'promise' he and Seraphina had made.

"No more secrets between us, ok?"

It's fine. He thought. I'll tell her only if she asks. Then I won't be lying. Either way, right now doesn't seem like the right time to tell her.

"Since we're up here, want to play Piggy Crush?" John asked.

"You mean, do you want to play Piggy Crush and watch me die of boredom? No thanks." Seraphina said, over exaggerating.

"Oh, right. We should probably head over to the mall to get you a new phone... and you can buy a mask for the Turf Wars."

"I thought you hated the mall, and now you're willingly suggesting it?! Wow, John, you've changed."

"Don't remind me. This is a special occasion." John said.

"Wait, you said so I can buy a new mask. What about you?" Seraphina asked.

"I already have one. Why should I buy a new one?"

"I already have one." Seraphina repeated what John had said in her mind. She briefly remembered hearing about a masked student attack strong students. He wouldn't do that, right? She thought. Eh. She shrugged it off, not thinking too much of it.

"I'm not just going to stay here and do nothing." John said, feeling for his phone in one of his pockets.

Suddenly, they heard a creaking noise. Someone had just walked in.

"You two, again?! I already told you to stay away from here! This isn't a place for weaklings like you to hang out! Get out of here, now!" Abel commanded, in annoyance.

John didn't want to deal with him this early. He was pretty fed up with it.

"Hey, John it's alright-" Seraphina was cut off, from the sound of an explosion. Abel was getting impatient. Little did he know, that John would put up a barrier.

"No. I'm not going anywhere." John said, his eyes angrily glowing gold.

"What the-"


Another explosion came from the area. This time, however, it was aimed towards Abel, causing him to fall back and slam down, onto the ground.

"I thought you were a cripple?" Abel questioned, shaking.

Suddenly very aware Seraphina was there, watching the whole scene, he walked up to Abel and grabbed him by the collar. He quietly, but sternly whispered into his ear. "Tell anyone of this and you'll regret you messed with me. And don't ever bother me again. Is that clear?"

"Mhm hmm!" Abel frantically said, nodding. He then proceeded to run away as quickly as he could from the scene.

John grimaced in disgust. Just because they have a little bit of power. He thought. They think they can do anything!

"..." Seraphina stayed silent for a moment.

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