Part 14

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Narrator's POV
A pair of tired eyes met the window. That woman was the only one in the van.

"Damn it!" She yelled out, in shock. How had she managed to fall asleep on the job and one of their most powerful woman was knocked out? She knew she should probably go out and attack them, but she wasn't as powerful as Volcan, so they'd probably defeat her also. Either way, she needed to exit the van to get over to Volcan-this isn't what they were expecting.

She decided to come out of the van, and lock it as quietly as possible. They were leaving already!

I need to hurry up, she thought.

By the time she had reached Volcan, the four had already swiftly exited, neither of them wanting to stay there any longer.

What did they do to you? The woman thought to herself, as she picked Volcan up.


John quickly walked away, with Remi, Blyke, and Isen not too far behind him.

"Can you stop following me? Or get away from me?" John said, in annoyance.

"Sheesh, fine." Blyke muttered, under his breath. He and Isen slowed down, unlike Remi.

"John! You were the one who attacked Isen, right? Why'd you attack him? What you did was not ok!" Remi cried out.

John looked pissed at that moment. "I had every right to. That rat lied to me. He tried prying into my past while my guard was down... And crushed my hand just for the fun of it! He only decided to act friendly towards me once he realized my true power."

Isen was horrified by the amount that John despised him.

"I don't need to explain my every action to you." He said, briskly walking away, until he reached the bus stop.

He then felt the smooth, but small vial in his pocket.

A small rush of adrenaline pumped through John. He was excited that Seraphina could get her ability back. That his best friend might be happy again. But that would have to wait until tomorrow.

*Time Skip*

It was 7am at Wellston. John was walking to school, with that tingly feeling still inside of him.

He had planned to meet Sera by the usual spot. John couldn't wait until she would come.

"Hey, John. You're early." Seraphina said, rubbing her eyes. You could still tell how tired she had been from the previous days.

"Come." John said, grabbing her arm, not even bothering to tell her what for.

"Wait, John-?" Seraphina asked, confused.

He didn't answer. When they finally got to the roof, Seraphina hesitantly walked in.

"So um, what are we here for? We might get kicked out-!"

"Shh..." John hushed her. He rummaged through his pocket, and proudly showed her the vial and syringe. Seraphina had a look of plain confusion on her face.

"Uhhh... what's that for, John?"

"What will get you your ability back." He quietly, but delightedly answered, careful of anyone hearing.

A look of excitement lingered on Seraphina's face, and adrenaline pumped through her veins. Really? The moment I've been waiting for all this time is really happening? Seraphina thought.

"So... how exactly should we do this? Also, can you check if it's not poison or something?" Seraphina asked. "I don't want to die today." She jokingly added.

John hadn't thought about this, distracted by his eagerness. Then, a thought came to mind. "Doc!" He exclaimed.

Sure, Doc wasn't the brightest person at times, but he was probably one of the only ones in Wellston who could make sure that it wasn't poisoned or the like.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Seraphina said.

Both the teens were relieved that no students came up to the roof to bother them. If they did, John would most likely rebel against the student and use his ability, because he already had enough. He didn't need someone to ruin that moment.

When they had finally reached the infirmary, they were pleased that nobody was there. Yet.

They saw doc on his phone, not noticing John and Seraphina.

All of a sudden, his nose started bleeding. The two teens look at each other in confusion. Seraphina, being curious as to what he was looking at, looked over his shoulder.

A look of shock, disbelief, and happiness covered Seraphina.


Author's Note
The chapter is a bit shorter than usual because I needed to leave you guys on a cliffhanger. ¯ \_()_/¯
(I did use a scene from the latest chapter of unOrdinary. Remember to go and read it if you haven't already!)
Also: curious as to which one you all prefer. Skiing or snowboarding? I prefer skiing.

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