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Liz and I were already inside the venue. There were screaming girls surrounding us, but I didn't care because I was screaming too. I couldn't believe that I was here, watching the band I loved since I was fifteen.

The lights grew dim and the intro music started playing, everybody started screaming louder, and Liz and I were screaming and laughing. It's starting and I'm here because of my mother. I need to thank her a lot of times.

When the singer came out, I started screaming even more, along with the girls surrounding me. Liz started freaking out and screaming too. I was so excited and when the guitarist started playing, I was in tears.

* * *

"Okay, for this song let me see you bounce."

We all of course kept screaming. Once they started playing, I got picked up by the people and I was crowd surfing.

"HECK YEAH!" I yelled and then I fell.

* * *


I was with the guys, at Santa Monica, when my phone started ringing. It was a California number and I was scared to answer it but I did.

"Yes, um this is Cedars Sinai hospital, a girl named Hayley Richardson is here. She told us to call you. She fractured her ankle."


"Okay, I'll be right there."

"Okay thank you." The line went dead.

The guys were looking at me. "What happened?" Sam asked.

"Hayley is at the hospital. We need to go get her and Liz."

"Is Liz okay?"

"Yes Sam."

I walk towards the parking lot. "Johnson, keys!" I yell and he tosses them. I was nervous but it was just a fractured ankle. But I don't know, my heart was racing and my palms were sweaty but I knew she was okay, despite the ankle.

I walked to the SUV and unlocked it. I immediately opened the door and got into the driver's seat, shutting the door.

"Do any of you know how to get to Cedars Sinai?" I asked.

"No man, sorry," Johnson answered back.

I grabbed my phone from the front pocket of my khaki shorts. I punched in the password and immediately went to the Maps app. I put in the locations and got the directions.

I plugged the phone into the AUX connection so I can hear the GPS.

"Relax man," Johnson tells me.

I nod and put the key in the ignition and I start the engine.

* * *

I was the only one who walked into the hospital.

The lady at the front desk looked at me, "Yes?" Her voice was monotone.

"My girl, girlfriend is here."

"Name of the patient?"

"Hayley Richardson."

"ER, room 9."

I just nodded at her and walked to the emergency room wing. It wasn't too far from the front. I walked into the emergency room, the waiting room was packed and filled with people. I'm sure waiting for some miracle with their loved ones. I walked up to the lady who was behind a window.

"Yes sir?" She asked, sounding more enthusiastic to be here.

"I'm here to pick up Hayley Richardson."

"Oh yes, we called you, you are?"

"Her boyfriend."

"Okay. Name?"

"Jack Gilinsky."

She put my name on a release sheet that had other people's names. And I gave her the phone number of her mother in case she needed to call.

"I'll notify a nurse and they'll release her," she tells me with a smile.

"Thank you." I walked away from the window and waited for Hayley to come out.

It was about five minutes later. "Mr. Gilinsky," I heard and I turned to face a nurse. Liz was standing next to her and Hayley in a wheelchair, holding a pair of crutches.

"I'm parked out front," I tell the nurse.

"That's okay, I'll wheel her out there."

I quickly texted Johnson to park right in front of the entrance.

I walked over beside Liz, "What happened to her?"

"She crowd surfed and then these people were weak practically so she fell right on her left foot and twisted her ankle really bad. So she stayed backstage and she got an autographed poster. She got a quick picture with the guitarist. And then we came here to the hospital and they said she fractured her ankle."

I just nodded at Liz and I walked beside Hayley.

"Baby girl."

She looked up at me and smiled, she grabbed my hand. I knew she was really bummed about her ankle.

We were nearing the front entrance and thank God Johnson parked in front of the entrance.

"Okay Hayley, here we go," the nurse says.

The doors open and Liz immediately opens the passenger side. The nurse locks the wheelchair so it won't move.

She walks in front of Hayley who was already trying to get up.

"Not too fast Hayley," I tell her.

"I got it J."

The nurse laughs and she helps her up into the truck. Hayley doesn't struggle that much and she's able to sit down.

"Thanks," she tells the nurse.

"No problem. Get lots of rest and be careful. I'll give him your packet."

"Thank you," I tell the nurse.

She gives me a smile, "You're welcome." Then she walks back in with the wheelchair.

I look at Hayley, "You okay?"

"Yeah," she nods and smiles.

I close the door and walk to the driver's side, I sigh and open the door. Liz is telling the story to Sam and Jack, Hayley is laughing.

"Okay guys," I say to shut them up. "You have to help me get back to the hotel," I tell Hayley.

"Got you," she says smiling at me.

* * *

I helped Hayley get to her room. "You're going to be okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah I should babe, thanks."

I kissed her lips gently.

"Goodnight Hayles," I said as I pulled away.

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