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Jack and I painted the town, going to the places we have never heard of in Omaha. Right now we were parked somewhere where we can see the lights of the city. I sighed.

"It doesn't compare to Los Angeles," I tell him.

"It doesn't, honestly."

I looked at him, his face was barely illuminated by the city lights. "Your dreams are there Jack, in LA." He looks at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

"You and Johnson, you guys and your music career. It's there Jack."

He laughs, "Hayley, no, maybe after college."

"Maybe, but you're supposed to be there."

He shrugs his shoulders with a smile, "Let's go take you home now."

* * *

The sirens are practically screaming in my ears. The cold air was chilling against my skin. I looked around at the scene unfolding before me, it was the same car accident scene. There is a screaming girl in an ambulance but I cannot see her face. The paramedics are heading towards the black car, screaming for the jaws of life and some other medical terms I do not understand. But why am I here? Why am I standing here amongst all the mayhem of this car accident? I looked around at the emergency vehicles, circling around the scene, and the two cars crashed. It was terrible. I walked up to the black car and...

"AAAAH!" I scream. My face is sweating and I'm panting. This dream is getting out of hand and I don't understand why it keeps reoccurring. I get up from bed and walk downstairs to grab a snack and something to drink.

"Hayley?" I hear my mom's faint call as I walk back up the stairs.

I walk into her room, double checking to see if she is asleep.

"Yes," I barely answer.

"Are you okay?" I see her barely sit up in her bed and she turns on the lamp.

"Yeah, just a nightmare mom."

"Tell your mom," she whispers, patting the spot right next to her.

"It's reoccurring, ever since Aunt Rachel died, I've been having this nightmare of a car accident. The first few nights, she was in them and I would see the car accident, but suddenly she wasn't in them. I started to see different places, two cars, one black and one silver and I keep walking to the black one. It's weird mom.

And the thing is, I don't see the person's face. I don't even see the girl's face. It is super scary mom and I don't know."

She clears her throat. "We'll go get an appointment for you with a therapist, if you want to, maybe it's just something that deals with your aunt's death."

I shrugged, "Well I'm going to sleep mom, goodnight."

She nods and turns off the lamp and lies back down. I walk out of her room and into mine. The bed is a bit cold and the moonlight is shining through my window.

I wish this dream would end, I wish it would.

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