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The day arrived so quickly and I wish I could just rewind and start senior year all over again. The nerves were overwhelming. Liz and I were loading the moving truck and then Jack drove up. He parks in his usual spot in front of my house.

"Hey stranger," I tell him when he gets out of the car.

"Hey," he says, walking up to me.

There's something different about him, his eyes look sad, and he looks thinner.

"I need to talk to you," he says in a low tone, only audible so I can hear him.

"Okay," I say and he takes me by his car. "What is it?" I question him, nervously. My heart is racing heavy inside my chest. 

He takes a deep breath before he begins. "Hayley, I am not going with you to UT."

I laugh, he's lying to me, "Don't joke around with me Jack."

But his face doesn't reveal a sneaky smile, he looks at me the same. "I'm going to LA with Johnson and we're going to start our music careers."

"Oh..." I say, looking down at the ground.

"I'm sorry," the tone of his voice is shaky...guilty.

"You promised me," I feel the tears in my eyes as I look up at him. "You promised me you wouldn't let me down, and here you are J, letting me down."

"I'm sorry baby," He apologizes, trying to grab my had. 

I took a deep breath, moving my hand away. "Don't call me baby," I whisper. "You know what?" I begin. 

"What?" His eyes widened and I know he was waiting for me to say something.

"This isn't going to work out Jack," I tearfully tell him. 

"What are you saying?" His voice seemed more concerned and sad.

"It's not going to work out. You need to focus on your career and I need to focus on my education. I can't tie you down."

He just stared at me with hurt in his eyes. "Baby I'm sorry, don't do this. We can figure it out! Please baby girl. You aren't going to tie me down."

"Jack, I can't do this." I started sobbing at this point. "You really deserve this Jack and I know you'll do great things even with me out of the picture."

He sniffles and then he just nods his head. He wipes his eyes. "Goodbye Hayley," he says shakily. He got into his car, started the engine and drove away.

I watched his car leave my street and I watched as Gilinsky left my life.


I start sobbing on the grass. "Why?!"

Liz comes up to me and hugs me. "We're done, let's go, come on."

She helps me into the truck and I'm sobbing against the window. I turn off my phone and I'm just really hurt. My mom gets into the car and backs out of the drive way.

"Don't leave, don't leave! Mom don't leave!"

"Hayley!!! We have to! I'm sorry."

She drives away from my house and we were off to Austin. I was off to start a new life in college. I would find someone else and I would live somewhere else. I sighed and wiped the tears. All the things I wanted to happen, is gone.

And that was the last day I saw Jack Gilinsky, the love of my life.

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