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Johnson and I had just landed, of course it is still cold.

"Hey, you okay man?" Jack asks.

"Yeah, we're just so far from home," I partially lie. Truth is, I just missed Hayley really bad. I wish she can experience this event with me. I then remembered to text her.

Just landed baby girl. Love you 😘💕😩

I sent her the text and followed Jack out of the plane. About five minutes later she answered me.

BABY HAYLEY😘❤️: Okay babe, I love you 😘😘💕😕

I smiled and locked my phone, putting it in my sweatshirt pocket.

"Did you check your bag in?" I asked Johnson.

"Yeah man, did you?"

"Yeah bro."

So we both looked for the baggage claim. Apparently we have a shuttle to the hotel, where all the guys are staying and the event is there as well.

"Are you nervous to meet these guys?" I question.

Jack laughs, "I guess so. I mean they are all around our age so it's going to be pretty chill."

"For sure." I try to play it off. But honestly I was really nervous and I guess it is because these guys are from different parts of the U.S.

* * *

We just arrived to hotel, it is really big and so damn fancy.

"Damn," Jack mumbles.

"No, fucking kidding bro," I told him.

The host of Magcon came up to us, "Hey guys, welcome."

"Hi Bart," Johnson mumbles.

"So, we are going to have dinner at some restaurant down the street. It's something so everyone can get to know each other and we can go over what is going to happen at the event tomorrow."

"Yes sir, that sounds good."

"Okay well, we are going to meet down here in about an hour or two, just meet down here at six."

"Yes sir, thank you."

He gives us a smile and walks away.

"Well, let's go find our room," I tell Jack and we walk to the front desk to check in.

* * *

Jack and I settled in our room and we chilled a little bit before we were going out to dinner. Somebody began banging on the door.

"What the fuck!" I exclaim, getting off my bed and walking towards the door. "Jack, stay behind me," I tell him, just in case.

I opened it up and it was some guy who had big blue eyes, white skin, and dark hair. He was smiling really big.

"Hey, I'm Nash Grier."

"Ah, hey man, I'm Jack Gilinsky and this is Jack Johnson."

"Yeah, I heard a lot about you guys. Your vines are great."

"Thanks man."

Johnson then comes up to the doorway, "So where are you staying?"

"Um, I'm a couple rooms down, you guys can come hang out with us. I can introduce you to the guys."

I look at Jack and he gives me a smile, practically saying: Let's go bro!

"Yeah okay," I tell Nash and he smiles.

* * *


I lay on my bed, almost falling asleep.

"HAYLEY!!!" Liz screams.

"What Elizabeth?"

"Jesus, that was unexpected. Come on girl let's chill, tell her Steph."

"Yes Hayles."

I sigh, "Okay." I sit up in my bed. "Hot chocolate guys?" I question.

"Oh hell yeah!" Liz exclaims.

And we all race downstairs like little girls, screaming that the last person would be the rotten egg. We finally reached the kitchen and Jack texted me.

GILINSKY❤️: Baby girl, I'm about to go have dinner with all the guys 😁 I really really miss you baby girl. I wish you were here. I love you 😘💕

I smile at his text and lock my phone.

"Aww look at that face!" Steph cooes, as if I was a baby.

I look at her with a serious, "Really Steph?"

"It's because you guys are so cute!"

I feel my face flush red, "Thanks..."

She smiles and I open my phone and look at the picture of Jack and I.

"How did you and Jack even meet?"

I smile, "It all started back in the kindergarten...."

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