Chapter Two

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"Hey Midoriya, it's Jirou." The notification was read aloud to Izuku. He picked his phone from his pocket and responded.

What should he say? Not used to such interactions. Was he awkward yesterday?


"Hey Jirou, sorry but it's late, so I'll see you tomorrow. It's Saturday tomorrow if you want to catch coffee or something along those lines. It's cool if you don't want to." 

"Nah it's cool; we can meet at Streamer's Coffee Co. If you'd like." 

"Sure, see you tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, hope you dream about me; ^}" She texted; though he could feel the embarrassment through his phone.

"Hahaha" He responded back, people's text don't match their faces all the time. He texted a laugh.

But his lips didn't separate.

"LOL," The boy chuckled as his body rumbled and his chest quaked. It released small vibrating tremors as his phone sat glued in his hands.

"Yeah, see you at 11:00?" Was he hopeful; was his heart beating faster than normal; was his face burning? It mattered little in his grand scheme of life, he knew that in a couple of months, All Might's power will dwindle to small ashes left by the oil lamp.

What? What did that have to do with anything he stated before?

"Yeah, Goodnight" 

"*Click*" His phone clicked as he turned it off. It took a while for his eyes to stay closed, but once it happened; he couldn't open them again.

He had no nightmares that night; his head was well-rested and empty. Not a thought plagued his mind; well, one did. "What an odd person."

Though, everyone that he's ever known has been odd. Classified under his own prejudice.

Jirou couldn't sleep that well; her heart calmed, but her brain ached. She was breathing rapidly; a smile on her face. Tears fell; however, the reason wasn't known. She wasn't sad, nor was she angry. It took twenty minutes for her to finally fall asleep, but when she slept; she slept well. "I hope tomorrow goes well." In the back of her mind, she knew what she was doing wasn't right. 

She was dating, and the boy's name was Denki Kaminari. Don't take her for wrong; she was infatuated with the boy. Her feelings were intense...but short-lived. She blushed when they talked, but her heart never raced. 

A small lie can grow to encompass a nation. Look back at Hitler, he believed he could make Germany great again. Sadly his dreaming was all for not because dreams disappear as soon as you wake up.

Jirou's lying to herself.

Though before her eyes closed a thought came to her head. A small thought, but it carried a lot of weight.

'Am I a cheater?'

Why ask such an obvious question: you're hoping to be in the presence of another male that you aren't dating? At the same time, you think of your boyfriend putting him down.

Your mind's filled with spires of ice dangling above your fleshy heart. I hope they fall and rip apart the flesh and bones holding you together.

Who's writing?

He woke up; though his head ached. It was morning, but most wouldn't consider 2:00 AM, morning. Was the hangout with Jirou, or the thoughts that swam throughout his ears? He knew in the grand scheme of things he was worthless; nothing but a speck of dirt out by itself in space.

Eternally alone; that speckle would be.

"*Dump Dump Dump*" His heart sped up; a panic attack is what he was having.

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