Chapter Eleven

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"Midoriyah, I will win the sports festival without going %100," Todorki states, his hand sitting there laid out on Izuku's shoulder. Who would rightfully believe some mentally fucked up dude with daddy issues? Deku sure not.

"Oh no, who let the fucked up wanna-be Ice Cube in. He's so fucked in the head, I'm starting to think the hair color is because he's an inbred."

"Cool, but I'm pretty sure my match is first, and I don't have any time to dilly-dally, so get the fuck from my way." 

"No, I'll beat you and obtain first place, even without using my fireside." He says more sternly hoping to forcefully push his threat across. Todoroki was naive, what possessed the boy to commit the act of threatening such a powerful figure that now lays dormant?

"Can Izuku Midoriyah and  Hitoshi Shinsou please report to the battling ground!" Midnight yelled into the microphone over the intercoms. Deku shooked Todoroki's hand from his shoulder and blitzed away. He knew the fight that was about to happen wasn't going to be much of a fight, he'd lose. Shinsou of course, the boy had no advantage against Izuku, he had literally no chance of winning.

"Oh may the mind-altering underdog of UA, Hitoshi Shinsou please step into the ring!" Present Mic shouts as the boy steps onto the stage, the crowd erupting in volcanoes of joy.

"And may the successor of All Might, and forgotten boy of UA, Izuku Midoriyah please step into the room!" He follows as he did with Hitoshi. Deku stepped forward and jumped on the stage. He intended to show off, to gather the attention of everyone big or small.

"You were already told the rules in the waiting room, let the match begin!" Midnight interrupted Present Mic finishing the sentence. 

"Look, it might be better if you were to give up. I'm already annoyed just by seeing such dog shit. I mean like honestly you literally dated three girls and hurt all of them. Yeah, I know everything. You made that pink alien bitch scream and cry, and the weird earlobes break up with her boyfriend and hit Mei on the ground. 

Do you think you're so much better than everyone else just because you're stronger and have a better quirk? I bet your life was just handed to you, with no obstacles ahead of you. A golden platter! Everyone else had to work themselves to death and more! Yet you walk up in here like you own the place, get real!"

Deku hadn't replied, he sat sternly forever looking ahead. Had this boy just narrated his life, had he known of the sins that he day commit? No, no one but Deku knows. The thought of someone but him knowing his actions weren't something he thought of regularly. 

It was funny though, how had he come across such information? Had it been Mina that his quirk affected? That's the only possibility that could happen. He nearly chuckled, because it was just an odd coincidence. He literally told the opposite of his entire life till the end of middle school. 

He was abused: bullied, suicide baited, and emotionally and physically neglected by the world around him. The only thing that didn't neglect was the time that slowly trickled to the end of his life.

Deku walked up beside Hitoshi and spoke to him face to face. The crowd waited silently not being able to hear them.

"Shinsou, you don't know me. You don't know my life. You don't know my actions. You don't know my pain. You don't know my sin. You don't know my thoughts; my past; my present, and you won't ever know my future.

 So how can you say you know me? Were you there when I was beaten black and purple when my blood painted the concrete that you walk upon daily? Your life was "hard," but what makes you think that anyone else's wasn't harder?

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