Chapter Twenty-two

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The aftermath was gruesome. Half of UA caved in as the result of Shigaraki decaying and the Nomu's punches. 

Some were left with no wounds, others in caskets seeping and oozing with blood.

It was by pure luck that every student survived.

Aizawa lost a couple of fingers because they were turned into a paste by the rampaging beast. Thirteen was placed in one of the tens of caskets that were taken away. 

"Listen up, the events of last week. While yes it was a lot to take in, you're heroes in training. Due to that, we won't hold back in said training. On that note, in twelve days' time, the UA sports festival will commence.

You'll be trained twice as hard for twice the amount of time. Now, I need every one of you to line up in ground beta shoulder to shoulder. Equip your suits. I'm giving you only four minutes. If you fail to make it in time, then you'll get your zero for the month with no way to bring it back up!"

And they scrambled, trampling those in their way. It'd be a shame if a villain attacked now. Deku watched like a hawk as he felt a sense of Deja vu. Aizawa-sensei would call him out telling him to hurry.

"Hey, I think you should hurry up unless you want a zero boy." Izuku would give a nod and follow. The girls would still be speed walking to their lockers and he'd watch their asses.

It'd grow old as they passed a corner.

"But this is different." He didn't have time on his side. Like a bolt of lightning, the light was seen before the sound. In the blink of an eye, he'd be fully dressed and in-ground beta, as time passes. Iida will show first, followed by any other random he forgot the name of.

He closed his eyes and waited standing in place arms still, straightfaced. He'd hear them breathing hard when they stood beside him. They had no stamina to keep his pace. If they were pitted against Midoriyah, he'd for sure beat them in a race.

He smelled Bakugo's stench and then thought to himself. If Bakugo raced, he'd stomp Izuku's brains in and catch a case. Deku'd come crawling to the finish line but he'd be late.

"Mineta, Jirou, Kaminari, and Yaoyorozu. You all have failed to make it at the designated time. Therefore you will be the first to go against each other!" Their sensei screeched as his anger grew overwhelming and the pain grew worse every time he spoke.

"Mineta and Jirou, Yaoyorozu and Kaminari. The first team is the heroes and the second is the villains. You'll fight each other, the goal for the villains are to escape. The heroes will apprehend the villains. Villains start!" 

The rules were simple this time. No one's protecting an object or anything of that nature.

Midoriyah sat tuning out the world watching time pass. He made a mistake accepting All Might's idea. He should've let the world prosper with his death. 

He should've settled with suicide.

"Thing's happen, your death was pre-empted. You were already supposed to die, he already wrote your death. I don't know why you aren't dead neither do I know why I'm still here."

The world would've been better off without him. Maybe that's why he didn't want to die, he didn't want them to gain the satisfaction of happiness.

"Out of pocket thought: if All Might experience this life tens of times. Why Isn't All for One Dead?"

Their happiness is so insignificant to both of them. All for One scarred them both in the depths of their mind.

Izuku stood up and participated with his classmates as his name was called. He: watched most of them die, intentionally or not causing their death, and for the unlucky killed them.

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