Chapter Sixteen

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He'd not be able to complete the task All Might has set out for him. His story was just moving too fast, one second he was sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob, and the next he just watched his sensei die in front of him.


That sound repeated inside his head, like a giant club to a gong. He sat in a silky velvet red chair, amongst him were other figures. All of their faces were covered in that same dingy black smog. His heartbeat jumped massively, and the machines he was connected to started beeping. It sped up as his life flashed before his eyes. 

He was born in a hospital an hour from his current house.

His father left them as he was diagnosed as quirkless.

His mother became a drunk and abused and neglected him as much as his bullies did.

A few years passed by in the haven that his life has twistedly become.

He'd stay locked in his room taking online classes, and going to school every now and again.

The day that he was suicide baited didn't really affect him till his encounter with All Might and the sludge. It pooped from the sewers, and steam whipped from his skin. It smelled horrid, his body had no filled shape. It moved in waves as it lunged at him.

And his heart struck again

He was suffocating and then it went black, his vision of course, not the plane that he sat in alone.

All Might threw his fist knocking the vomit to the wind. 

"Hey kiddo, wake up! What if I killed him!" He screamed aloud to himself hoping for the child to be awake and alive. 

He talked for a while helping the hero collect the pulverized slime spread about the underside of the road he walked through to get home.

"Hey, All Might-" so he told him his dreams, and asked his question. Things were still going smoothly, like soap on the ground to a child's shoes. Yet, unlike the children, he had yet to fall.

"No-" he tuned the rest out. All Might preached his words to the quiet that was Izuku's ears.

His heartbeat's pace rose drastically, subjugating the American-style hospital to his qualms. No one had yet to come.

And it sped up again...the flashbacks about his crummy little life.

 He saved Bakugo, got recognition from his idol, and was trained by him as well. It started taking a normal pace as he started reading the world around him. He was on the beach cleaning it up for a couple of months. He gained muscles and confidence...shattered confidence.

UA's entrance exams hadn't hurt. He was able to use One for All willingly, he could control some of it. It hurt when he obtained it those last couple of months, All Might was hesitant. He knew he wasn't ready for the quirk, but if he obtained it later, how'd he train it? 

Aizawa's test was the easiest of the rest. All he needed was eight percent to outmatch his classmates. No one spoke to him that day, well that was everyone but All Might and his new friend Iida. 

USJ had barely helped his straining mental state. He gained confidence in his abilities, yet not a word was spoken to him since day one. 

"You know I don't deserve it, so stop making it seem like we do."

Yeah, you're talking to yourself now...I think you might need some help.

Oh, this is when his life started to ring his heart dry.

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