Chapter Seven

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She heard Mina crying for most of the night. Was it wrong to be happy and sad? She knew that they fit together like puzzle pieces that looked similar, but never connected. She sat there staring at the screen, Izuku's face being zoomed in by the drone robots. He sat on a building, his hair flowing through the wind, mask down,

His hero costume was black with some neon green highlights. He had a bunny mask, steel-toed shoes, and black cargo pants, and a hoodie. He had no weapon, the white steel-knuckled gloves wouldn't count. She looked at him, her ears red, but her heart no longer jumped.

Why, what'd cause such a change, she wondered.

"Kyouka, who do you think's going to win?" Denki asked leaning into her ear. He grew clingy after the outing with Mina and Midoriyah. Was she uncomfortable, no, she loved the boy and the things he did for her? She loved the way he made her feel. But, she started growing tired of him, his hand now like ice to room temperature water.

"She's loud. I know you can hear them Izuku."

"Who'd win? Hmmm, that's easy, the villains would win. That Midoriyah guy is pretty strong, he beat both. Bakugo and Todoroki by himself." She said looking at the boy from the corner of her eyes, his frown growing. 

"Kyouka, what do you think about Midoriyah?" Why the sudden interest? 

"What'd you mean?" It was a simple question, had she tried dodging it? Would it even work? She knew her boyfriend could sense changes in her. Had he felt the vibrations increase as her proximity to Izuku decreased? 

"Like, what are your thoughts on him?"

"I don't know, he's nice sometimes, but rude the others. He's the smartest and strongest one in our grade." He knew that isn't what he meant. He knew that she knew that he knew that that isn't what he meant. She answered his question fully, the way he wanted, no. But she answered.

"Kyouka, that's all?"

"Well, no, I mean he's fun to be around every now and again. We talked for an hour and a half, but never really interacted after. I invited him to hang out with me, and he agreed the first time. It was pretty weird when he disagreed the second. I didn't try to force him, in order to not make him uncomfortable. But that didn't work. For most of the time we were hanging out, he hadn't spoken that much to me. It was a miracle he even joined us. But it was a pretty good thing since it looked like he and Mina hit it off at first." 

She said the last part with a little spite, did Kaminari know? No, he didn't catch the divet in her voice. 

"Oh, that's cool. Midoriyah is pretty strong, I never even spoke a word to him till that day. He was pretty chill when we were talking. For a boy that I barely noticed, he looked better than most of the class. I'm surprised no one talked to or about him." He was egging her own, but she didn't catch it. She didn't know that he kinda had a feeling that his girlfriend liked another male. 

"Yeah, I guess. He has some wonderful hair, it feels like silk!" She screamed unintentionally. Her ears turned a bright red, and her hands covered her face.

"Yeah." his voice was monotone and his eyes closed. He had a feeling, was it nice, no. He'd accept it eventually, the fact that his girlfriend no longer liked him. He could be wrong, but he more than likely wasn't. His hand was tubing the spot where he could feel her heartbeat. It used to rise as soon as he touched it, but as soon as she told him about that Midoriyah guy, it no longer beat the same speed. 

When he brought up Midoriyah, her heart spiked when her ears dyed pink. Her face that smooth pink no longer directed for him. Her body which he used to be able to touch in private no longer labeled as his. She had soft lips, but they haven't kissed since she brought up Midoriyah. Had those two ever done anything behind his back? 

He knew how his girlfriend acts. He knows when she likes, dislikes, hates, and loves something. 

"I tried talking to him in the hallway, but he looked at me from the corner of his eyes and looked away, the nerve of some people! I'm trying to start a conversation with an elevator buddy, and I get the weird awkward shoulder. Like how does that work?" She rambled on, her head no longer leaning on his shoulder. She looked him in the eyes and just talked about a boy they both barely knew.

"Kyouka, kiss me." He said shutting her up, he looked at his ears, they weren't red. He leaned in and waited for her lips to touch his own. He waited eyes closed for a little bit, then opened them only to notice that she backed up.

"Hahaha, I had a feeling. I hoped it wasn't true, but looks looky I was wrong." He gave a dry chuckle again, got up from the bleachers, and sat someplace else. His eyes were sprinkled with tears, he felt bad, he didn't look back, but he couldn't have thought of a better solution. 

He knew he'd feel some backlash from his class, if not as much as Deku did for hurting Mina's feelings. He and Jirou have been dating since the end of middle school. An explanation; an explanation he knew she deserved but did he want to give it? Not really, you can't just immediately walk back and talk to someone you just dumped. Right?

"Kaminari, what's going on?"  Mineta asked, wondering why a classmate would even sit beside him.

"Nothing, the sun was beaming in my eyes, and now they're leaking. So, I moved down so it'd not hit them again." He lied, wiping the obvious tears off of his face. The boy didn't notice, he was too focused on the pornographic comics in his hands. 

"Hahaha, Mineta, you're cool just the way you are. Don't ever change for anyone else." The boy didn't really reply, all he did was stare at his friend for a few seconds. then he looked back. He noticed that his eyes were leaking, but had it bothered him? Has it affected him? Did it cause him any anguish? No, so he let a sleeping bear lie.

Jirou knew what she did. It was inconvenient to kiss her boyfriend at that time. It wasn't her feelings, nor was it her like of another boy that kept her away. No, no no no, that couldn't be the reason. She tried talking to him as he walked away, but her lips clamored up. Did she regret her action? That's a great question; however, that wasn't one she could answer.

"So, what's between you and Kaminari? Is it a breakup, I'm feeling a breakup. Who dumped who?" Mina asked appearing out of nowhere, her eyes squinting at her friend. She already knew what happened when she was hiding under the bleachers from Deku's view. She knew he was angry at her. 

She was going to say something to him the day after their fallout. But he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes but eventually kept on walking. She knew in those moments when they were outside UA talking that Deku liked her. As for his feelings now; well she doesn't actually know. Could you blame her? Deku was virtually a stranger whom she knows nothing about.

"Yeah, I just got dumped by my boyfriend," Jirou replied, her voice hiccuping nearly after every word. She broke down on the spot, and Mina hugged her and patted her back. She rubbed circles and gave comforting words. It worked; after a couple of minutes, Jirou quieted up.

"Why did he dump you?" She felt that her question made Jirou shiver, but she wanted to believe it was the freezing cold fall weather making her bud shiver. But even she knew that wasn't the case. Had she known the reason for the breakup, possibly? Did she want to believe that Jirou had another reason? 

"Because I couldn't kiss him." She said her hands in her face blocking her view of the screen. Oh, Mina was right; though, she already knew.

"It's okay, you'll get over it. You could come to my room at the end of the day. Hang out, sleep over, talk, or just be there. All the rest of the girls are coming. I'm not forcing you or anything, but consider it." Mina said, her hands still rubbing circles on Jirou's back.

"Are you happy Izuku, are you happy that you caused this no matter how insignificant this may seem to you?"

"Sup Deku, I know I lost last time, but I'm done playing with my food! You think you're better than me! You're worth less than the shit I shit the fuck out! Now get down here and Die!" Bakugo yelled looking at the boy sitting down on a roof. 

"Too bad you're weak."

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