Chapter Nineteen

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"Well, I guess, but who's going first?" He still tried to ignore the nervousness that slowly grew into vines of unbreakable diamond threads that he couldn't chip away from his heart.

"I'm too disturbed by how you're acting to actually pay attention. You're going to ruin your life in like six minutes anyway."

"Tock, Paper, Scissors."

"Rock" He put his hand forth.

"Rock." As did Asui

"Rock, Paper, Scissors."


"Paper" And she won.

"Best of three?"

"Sure, I guess you can lose two more times.

Rock, Paper, Scissors."


"Paper...looks like I won again." So she gained two of the three points needed for her to win.

"Rock, Paper, Scissors."


" it's One-Two."

"Rock, Paper, Scissor."


"Rock...and then the score has tied."

"You know you don't have to narrate, it'd probably help you if you didn't. Also, I know your next move, so it'd tie."

"Rock, Paper, Scissors."



"Rock, Paper, Scissors."

"Rock" Had she thought she was slick, trying to go for rock instead of the most common sign scissors?


"Rock, Paper, Scissors!...sorry, but this is getting old." He added last telling her the game was over.



"I want you to know I'm not suck. Trying to trick me...please get real. So go and introduce yourself, mam."

"That's cringe at its finest."

"Ugh, can you give me an example?" His sweat dropped, this was her idea. Had he asked for introductions...No! So why'd she?

"Like your name, dislikes, likes, and dreams for the future."

"My names, Tsuyu Asui. I don't precisely dislike anything but the cold and perverts. I like the color green, sweets, and Recess." She said twirling her hair in one hand and looking away to the left.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt this reunion between classmates, but can Izuku Midoriya please follow me? I need to take you to Houndoom's car. Please hurry up, I have other things to do," Mementos yelled to the students as he walked out, Izuku in tow. 

The vines that entranced in wrapped his heart grew spines, puncturing the depths of his heart and lungs. His legs grew weak, and he struggled to walk. What would he be asked, and how would it affect his life as a whole?

"Yeah, you know you didn't find that conversation interesting in the slightest."

His vision blackened completely, and his body went numb. He opened his eyes quickly taking note of his surroundings. He was in his mind; however, unlike before water was on the ground. The walls of his mind started collapsing, water was rushing in. The thrones that once sat in a circle on the ground now floated around.

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