Chapter 46

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Getting the systems back on was very painful, especially after the last few times that I had had to do this. A lot of the systems did not like rebooting for the third time or so in two weeks. 

Finally, I got to the halfway point. I was able to control the lower part of my body and regulate my breathing better. My mind was now fully operational though, and it was getting much easier to recover.

Something began approaching me from behind. I sighed. "I told you to leave. You are meant to listen to me."

"We are meant to listen to each other. I decided that you would need me later on. I saw you surviving."

I scowled. "You should have went home."

"This is home."

"That is the single cheesiest thing you have every said in this body."

"Look, you need my help to get back together. Together, we can get this body operational in a couple hours. Either that or we can stay here for another six days."

"Five and a half."

"Really? I was sure that you would want your legs to return to their original state."

I thought over my calculations again. "Damn it, you're right."

"I know. So, can you apologize and get us on track?"

"Let's go."

"No sorry?"

"You can get one later. Right now, our body is in need of repair. Hurry your lazy butt over."


"Brandon?"He had moved for the first time all day. I hadn't expected a recovery that quick; he'd only been out for a day. 

Suddenly, his arm jerked a bit and he turned to his side. I didn't dare touch him, in case that caused something horrible to happen, but he was definitely looking ten times better than before. His face looked less pale, he was developing facial expression again, and it looked like he was actually having thoughts.

I stood there fascinated as he continued to shift. He began to mumble in his sleep soon after. Will came over just as he began to turn again. He immediately walked over, fascinated by this.

"He's only been out for a day? The way he's recovering, it would take a week to see this change."

Immediately after he spoke, Brandon's eyes shot open. It wasn't gradual like what usually happened. His eyes just opened up, one ordinary dark brown eye, but a shining blue eye that illuminated the whole room. 

Will screamed like a little girl and fell over, and I got to listen to Brandon laugh for the first time in a while. The light went out and Brandon hopped off of the bed, picking at his bandages.

"Ok, that was pretty funny, but first things first," he turned to look me in the eyes. "Why am I alive?"

"What are you talking about, and what was that weird glowy thing?"\

"What weird glowy thing?"

"Your eye was looking really messed up, man."

"Ok, Will, you were probably just imagining stuff happening. I mean, it's pretty late. You should probably go take a nap or something. I have to have a little talk with Ash."

"Fine then. See you two in the morning." Will swept off to the other room."

"So tell me," he looked seriously at me, still picking at his bandages. "Why am I alive?"

"Brandon, I-"

"I told you to leave me in the cave. I told you that I needed to die."

"Brandon, I know."

"If you knew, you should have left me! Now, Kronos is out there again and he could very well be on the move towards us."

"Brandon, I-"

Tears started to form in my eyes. This was the most angry I had seen him in my entire life.

"So, why am I still alive? Tell me!"

"I didn't think I could go on without you."

Silence. I felt tears slowly begin to trickle down.

"You've helped me so much during this quest, and I knew how much you mattered to me. I didn't want to just leave you to die on your own."

"I wanted to be with you."

Still silence. I began to sob.

"I'm sorry I had to. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me. I was selfish and inconsiderate and I just can't say it enough."


"You took it too far."

"I know. I know. I made her cry. I'll make it up to her."

I reached out and hugged her. She continued to sob into my shoulder as I awkwardly patted her on the back.

"Brandon, I'm sorry."

"I am too."

We stood there for a while, lightly swaying. 

"You should head back to your cabin. I'll finish up here and surprise the Hermes kids in the morning, ok?"

She nodded and walked out.

"Good gods, why did they bandage up so much of me? Sorting through this is going to be a hell."

It took a solid hour to get all the bandages off. After that, I zipped into the cabin onto my bunk and decided to just chill.

The first thing I registered in the morning was a bright sun shining through the window. The second thing I registered was being lifted off my bed and Connor shouting "Holy shit, he's alive!"

The entire Hermes cabin screamed and crowd surfed me in my old clothes all the way to breakfast, awakening literally everyone in the whole camp. Soon, I was drowning in a sea of people all noticing me and trying to baby me.

Among those people were also those threatening to gut me and to kick me across the camp for what I made them endure, which felt a lot more comforting, to be honest.

After breakfast, I went over to the Big House to have a little chat with Chiron.

"So, Kronos is still out there somewhere and you were willing to kill yourself to make sure that didn't happen, but failed, is what I'm getting from this."

"Yeah, pretty much."

Chiron seemed to age around two centuries in two seconds. "How many times have you been close to death this quest?"

"Close? A million times. Actual death? I think four times."

Chiron was practically at the edge of Asphodel. "One thing is for certain. You are never going on a quest again."


"And the Eye was activated during this time."


"Ok then. You should go to your activities, perhaps find Ms Stone."

"Don't get any ideas, Chiron."

"I won't."

As I walked out, I could sense him snickering. "Liar."

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