Joke's On You V. 3

170 8 4

WARNINGS: Killing, Torture (Mentions), Blood, Language, Dark-ish? 

I'm listening to "Play With Fire" by Sam Tinnesz! 

An angry scream tore from Nightwing's throat as he punched his enemy in the face.

A hideous laugh echoed throughout the rooftops of Gotham.

"He screamed so prettily, Boy Wonder." Joker smiled, blood dripping from his mouth.

Nightwing saw red.


"Nightwing! stop!" Batman grabbed Nightwing's fist once he finally got to the rooftop.

It was too late.

Blood dripped from Nightwing's fist. Blood was splattered all over his costume and all over the rooftop under Joker's body.

Batman roughly threw Nightwing off of Joker's bloodied body and quickly checked for a pulse.

There was none.

"Nightwing. What happened?" Batman asked in a harsh, emotionless voice.

"I...I don't... uhm, he was just laughing. He said that J-Jason screamed prettily. And he wouldn't stop laughing, B. He just wouldn't stop." Nightwing mumbled through.

"Nightwing, what did you do?" Bruce asked, looking up from Joker's body.

"I hit him and he kept laughing. So I hit him again. Then he said that and... I... I don't remember after that." Nightwing said.

Bruce turned back to Joker's body and started to try CPR.

Nightwing backed up and started swinging towards the Batcave, not wanting to know the outcome.


As soon as Nightwing arrived at the Batcave, he stripped his costume off and immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower. 

After a quick rinse, he got dressed in black skinny jeans, a black shirt, a blue hoodie, and his converse. 

Now, Dick Grayson, started to make his way to the stairs to go up when he heard Alfred on the comms. 

"Sir, it's been thirty minutes." Alfred said, worried about Bruce. 

"Alfred... Joker can't be dead. I know Dick won't be able to live with himself." Bruce was heard. 

Dick swallowed, shaking slightly.  

Could he live with himself? Maybe. Maybe not. 

Either way, it didn't change the fact that he still felt the same way about killing Joker. 

He may not have meant to, but it felt good to rid the world of that trash. 

"What do we do from here then?" Alfred asked. 

"The only thing we can do. Put Dick in a high security jail. It can't be a normal jail though. If anyone were to find out he was Nightwing, he'd be killed. We could keep him in the WatchTower." Batman sounded like he was more suggesting than anything. Like he didn't know what to do with Nightwing. 

Richard shaking, went up the stairs and to his bedroom. 

He started throwing things in a small backpack before he took it to the garage. 

Dick grabbed a motorcycle, revving it up before taking off, heading to the only person he knew that could even make any possible sense of things. 


"So, you killed the Joker and I'm one of the first people you think to go to?" Slade Wilson's smooth voice asks Richard. 

"In short, yes." Dick nodded. 

A genuine laugh came out of Slade's throat. 

"Kid, you're all sorts of fucked up right now, aren't you?" Slade asked. 

"Maybe. But I think what's worse is that it felt good to get rid of him." Richard said.

Slade smirked, "You know, I saw that potential in you years ago. Do you see it now?" 

Dick took a long, shaky breathe, "Yeah, I do."

A month later, Deathstroke had an apprentice named Renegade. 

What version did you like the best? I honestly can't choose! 

Thanks for waiting for these small shorts!

~Raven <3

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