The Listing

409 13 2

WARNING: Jason's mouth, Possible animal abuse? (You be the judge!)

"Okay, you little bastard. Time to get you gone." Jason said, picking up Damian's cat with a pair of gloves.

The cat hissed loudly and tired to scratch Jason.

"You may be Alfred the cat, but you are definitely NOT like Alfred!" Jason growled. 

He opened the cage on the ground with one hand.

Jason threw Alfred into the cage and locked it shut quickly. 

He went back to his laptop and clicked the enter button.

Now all he had to do was wait.


Bruce sighed as he clicked through the Batcomputer.

He already looked through Tim and Damian's recent browser history.

Bruce finished writing the last note of Damian's history. 

'Talk to Damian about the limit of animals he can have. Don't want the other children to whine.' 

Bruce clicked into Jason's history.



'Names that start with V'


'How to stop a jackass cat'

'Sell cat'

'How to sell cat'

'How to take best pictures of cat'

'How to sell cat fast'


Bruce pursed his lips.

He sighed and clicked Jason's link.

Bruce then pinched the bridge of his nose.

'Alfred the cat. Age: 3 years Price: I just need this asshole gone.' The listing said.

It also had some very well taken pictures of a familiar cat in a cage. 

Bruce sighed, yet again.

He pushed his chair back as he stood up.

Bruce hoped this was the worst history he had to deal with tonight.

He still had to check Dick's history.

But, he was going to deal with Jason first.


Bruce knocked on Jason's bedroom door.

"Yes?" Jason's muffled voice came through the door.

Bruce opened the door and walked in.

"Hey! I didn't say you could come in!" Jason scowled.

Bruce ignored him and went for the closet door that was slightly ajar. 

When he opened it, he turned to look at Jason with a frown on his face.

"I'm disappointed in you." Bruce said.

Alfred the cat was in a cage in Jason's closet.

"Woah! H-How'd he get in there?" Jason tired to play it off.

Bruce sighed, "Jason, you can't sell Damian's cat. Take the listing down."

"No can do. Not until this fucker is gone. I don't care if it's replaced with another cat. This one has to go though." Jason said firmly.

"Why?" Bruce asked.

"This one tore ALL of my leather jackets! I found him sleeping on the pile of scraps!" Jason growled.

The cat meowed.

"Jason, Damian will have a fit. Just let the cat go." Bruce said.

"No. The cat needs to go!" Jason said. 

"TODD!" Damian's scream was heard around the house.

Jason panicked and did what he first thought of.

Jumping out the window. 

So, I may or may not have found a binder of fanfic ideas and drabbles and some of them may be from when I VERY FIRST started writing (Yikes! lol) 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed! Also Jason is okay! Mostly...

The Family of Bats (DRABBLES)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon