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Everyone has needs.

Even the Batfamily.

Richard needed affection.

Especially after a mission gone bad or a bad day.

He normally hugged or cuddled. But he was never afraid to say the l word.



Jason needed reassurance.

Ever since he died, he always thought he wasn't good enough.

Even though he'd never say it, he loved the firm hands on his shoulders, the 'Good jobs', the smiles.

It made him feel welcomed.



Tim needed consistency.

Too many people were unpredictable.

But not many of the Bats.

Perhaps, definitely not perhaps, it started with Tim being left all alone suddenly as his parents went travelling.

But as long as Tim had consistency, he was good.

Whether that consistency came from his daily routines or from people popping in every day, he was happy with it.


Damian needed a parental figure.

Sure Damian was tough, but underneath those layers of armor, he was still a child.

A 10 year old.

He needed Bruce or Richard.

He mostly listened to Dick though.

Mostly because Bruce was too busy with the mission to take care of a 10 year old.


Bruce needed someone to stop him.

Bruce needed his Robin.

He needed someone to stop him from crossing the line and never coming back.

Bruce was the rock that anchored all the birds and all the birds anchored Bruce.

He would always need them.


Alfred needed a vacation.

It was always a good time for a vacation.

Alfred just smiled.

The Family of Bats (DRABBLES)Where stories live. Discover now