Bats Never Die Pt. 1

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"Dude! We have to go now!" The thug yanked on his friend's arm as the sound of bullets and screams went through the warehouse.

"Go where? It's just a bat." His friend smirked and loaded his gun, "They all die the same as us."

"You're on your own then!" The thug started running out of the warehouse.

"They're just human." The friend listened and looked around the now eerily quiet warehouse.

"Are we?" A robotic voice said from behind him.

"Oh shi-" The thug started to blindly shoot.

Red Hood smirked as he easily dodged the bullets and punched the thug.

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" The thug slurred, his jaw hurting badly.

"Well, we die the same, don't we?" Hood smirked.

"Bro! I'm telling you man. He's alive! Them Bats don't die!" The thug claimed to anyone who would listen.

Many of his friends just brushed him off, "The bats are nothing!"

"I'm telling you! The one was dead and now he's back! They're immortal!" The thug exclaimed.

"Aaron, you need to get off the drugs." His friend said.

"I've been clean for 3 months! You know this, Micheal!" Aaron said.

"The crazy talk you sayin' makes it sound like you're on something." Micheal said.

"It's not though! I'm not though! When you see it, don't come crying to me then!" Aaron frowned.

"Aaron...I'm sorry I didn't believe you man! You were right! Them Bats are immortal!" Micheal called Aaron a week later.

"I told you! I swear the little one is a vampire! He came to the other warehouse a few days ago and I swear he drank some blood off his sword! They're all crazy!" Aaron threw his arm up in exclamation.

"I get it! I shot the purple one and a day later she was back and angrier then ever! I barely escaped with my life!" Michael said.

"Dude, we need to find different jobs that pay this well." Aaron said.

"You know I don't got a diploma, man! And I ain't going back to fast food!" Michael frowned.

"Shit. You right. You right. Alright, but let's just agree to do the damn jobs and get the hell out quickly." Aaron said.

Aaron and Michael were patrolling their section of the warehouse the next night together.

"So, I mean, if the bats are immortal, what does that make them?" Michael asked.

"Well, obviously, the little one is a vampire. And with all that 'true blood son' bullshit he was spewing, that makes big Bats a vampire too." Aaron said.

"Mhum... what about the others?" Michael asked.

"Red Hood is a zombie, for sure!" Aaron pointed at Michael.

"Okay, but what about the rest?" Michael nodded.

"Nightwing I think is a thrall for the vampires. And vampire magic makes him immortal. Think about it. No matter how many fights between him and Bats, he always comes back. Plus, he's SUPER protective of little Bats. Has to be a thrall ordered to protect and serve the vamps." Aaron looked around some crates.

"So, big and little Bats are vamps. Nightwing's a thrall. Hoodie is a zombie. That leaves Black Bat, Spoiler, and Red Robin." Michael counted on his fingers.

"Alright, so hear me out, Spoiler is a witch. And with her magic, not only is she immortal, but she's got Red Robin under a spell and has somehow entrapped Black Bat's soul. If you think about it, they hang out more than the others." Aaron nodded, feeling confident in his theory.

"If she's a witch, why doesn't she use her powers then?" Michael asked.

"Cause she's so old cause of her powers. That she was around during them witch trials! She survived cause she's immortal and has come back to exact her revenge! But she doesn't want to really get her hands dirty, so she's using Black Bat to kill people. That's why she has to have Black Bat's soul!" Aaron said.

At that moment, Nightwing and Black Bat dropped into the warehouse.

"Bro! I can't believe we made it out!" Michael panted as they hid behind a dumpster.

"We're too close to the truth! That's why they attacked us!" Aaron gasped.

"We gotta tell people before they kill us!" Michael said.

Aaron nodded and took off running, Michael running closely behind, phone in hand.

Soon, all of Gotham would know!

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