New Transfer (BPD)

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"And last but not least, we are welcoming our new transfer, Detective Jack Anderson. Everyone welcome Detective Anderson." Chief Addad gestured his hand towards the new transfer.

Everyone said hello and Malkore, smirking, asked, "How do you like your coffee?"

Everyone, even Anderson, laughed at that.

"Seriously though, we're getting low and Rookie get to go here soon to our favorite place." Amy said.

"Wait! He's new, wouldn't he be the Rookie?" the 'Rookie' whined.

"Nope. He's a transferred detective. He pulls rank on you. You're still Rookie, Rookie." Malkore said.

 "Darn! Worth a shot!" the Rookie snapped two of his fingers.

"Anyways, Detecive Anderson, meet your fellow Detectives; Malkore and Lolli." Addad introduced them.

Anderson shook the hands of both of them.

"And Anderson, this is the rest of the department. We have Officers Rohrbach, Shalt, Ylang, and Grayson, otherwise known as Rookie." Addad said.

"No offense, but this is a small department." Anderson said.

"No offense taken. We know we're small and underfunded." Addad shrugged.

"But now we have one more person!" Shalt yelled loudly.

Some people cheered, some didn't.

"Great. We have to rework the shift schedule." Ylang grimaced. 

"More help though." Lolli reminded her.

"More days off!" Shalt cheered.

Addad gave a short chuckle, "No. Not for you anyways."

"Who gets more days off then?" Shalt asked.

"Grayson. He's picked up Terry's night shifts for the past 7 days and his regular work. Honestly though, I'm not sure how he's still standing or even lucid still." Addad said.

"What?" Grayson asked, looking up.

"You doing okay, buddy?" Amy asked.

"Hm? Me? Yeah! I'm fine! Although, I will admit that I've been beyond sanity for 2...3 days? What day is it?" Grayson asked.

"Uh huh. What do you mean by that?" Lolli asked.

"I've been watching a pink elephant dance on Addad's head for the past day...2 days?" Grayson asked, going through his pockets.

"Where'd I put my phone?" Richard went to his desk.

"Well, thank you, Mr. Peacock!" Dick smiled, patting the peacock by his phone.

Everyone else just saw him patting air.

"He gets tonight, tomorrow, and tomorrow night off." Addad said.

"Shalt, you get Terry's shift for tonight. Amy, can you do without him tomorrow?" Addad asked, referring to Grayson.

"What do you think I was doing when he wasn't even here yet?" Amy asked.

Addad nodded, "Okay, then Lolli, can you cover Terry's shift tomorrow?" 

"Uhm, actually sir, I have a date tomorrow." Lolli blushed slightly.

"Hey! Getting back out there? Good for you!" Shalt gave a thumbs up.

"Yeah, especially after you-know-who." Ylang nodded, "It's about time you moved past him."

Lolli smiled and nodded, "You know any other time, I'd pick it up." Lolli told Addad.

Addad held his hand up, "It's fine. Go have fun."

"I could pick it up." Anderson offered. 

"No. I want you getting used to this shift before picking up extras." Addad said.

Anderson nodded.

"I could do it!" Grayson raised his hand.

"NO!" Everyone but Anderson yelled.

"Grayson, you get tonight and tomorrow, both day and night, off." Addad said.

"B-b-but...What do I do when I'm not at work?" Dick asked.

"Literally, ANYTHING except come into work." Addad said, pushing Richard into his seat at his desk.

"But I have work to do! I can't take a day off!" Dick said.

"You. Are. Taking. A. Day. Off." Addad said in a voice that left no room for argument.

But still, Richard tried, "No! I can't! I have to finish some reports, and finish Terry's shift, then I have a few more reports to file, and Terry has some files I need to file, and I left his desk a mess! And what am I supposed to do on a day off? I mean, Daddy is off on a business trip in China, and the boys are with Alfie for vacation on the island. Plus, I have no games 'cause I took them to the TT Tower for them to play 'cause I didn't have time to play games. Then I let Dami use my collection of Flaming C DVD's, so I can't watch them. And none of my friends have days off except for the weekends. And I don't wanna be bored and all alone!" Richard stressed out.

"Gesh kid, just relax!" Shalt said.

"I don't know HOW to!" Dick's voice wavered and his lower lip wobbled, tears welled in his eyes.

"It's okay, Grayson! Just don't cry! No crying!" Everyone tried to calm him down.

Anderson looked questioningly at them. 

"It's horrible when he cried." Lolli said, "He's the happiest of us all. We've all only seen him cry once, but by gosh! It was horrible. Nobody that joyful should ever cry."

Anderson nodded.

"I'll take the night shift." Amy said.

"B-B-But you have a family to go to!" Richard said.

"They can handle a night without me." Amy said.

"But it's not fair!" Dick said.

"Dickie, it's not fair that you have both your shift and Terry's night shift. Everyone else is picking up Terry's shift so you can sleep." Addad explained.

"But I can handle it!" Richard said.

"Do I have to take you home with me to make sure you sleep?" Addad asked.

Dick didn't answer.

"Well?" Addad asked.

"No, sir. Sorry, sir." Grayson replied, head down.

Addad sighed, "I don't want to get angry and strict  with you, but I will."

"Of course, sir." Dick said.

"Now, you'll go home, sleep in tomorrow, and then co have some fun. Go to a cafe or park and just enjoy your day off. You've over-earned it." Addad said.

"Okay." Richard said, shuffling his feet.

"And I BETTER not see a slight hair of you until Thursday!" Addad firmly said.

"Yes, sir." Dick said.

"Are they always like that?" Anderson asked Malkore.

"No. Grayson is really cheerful. If you have to watch out for anyone, Grayson is that person. He's an... intense personality." Malkore said.

"What do you mean by intense?" Anderson asked as Malkore walked away.

Malkore didn't answer. 

A/N: :3

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