Young Justice Shouldn't Do... (Part 1)

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Part 1: Answer the Phone

The phone in Mount Justice rang.

"Who do you think that is?" Artemis asked.

"Don't the only people who have that number are Justice League members?" Zatanna asked.

"Yeah." Robin smirked an evil smirk.

"What are you going to do?" Kid Flash asked, seeing that smirk plenty of times.

Robin didn't answer him.

Instead, Richard picked up the phone and answered it.

But he didn't answer it as Robin.

"Hello!" Robin's voice sounded exactly like the Joker's!

All the other members of Young Justice gaped at him.

It was like Joker was actually answering the phone.

"Joker?" Robin heard Batman growl over the phone.

"Hello, Batsy! Guess what I found. And you won't believe what was in it!" Joker's voice said.

"I swear to gosh, Joker, if you hurt them, I. Will. KILL. You!" Batman roared.

Robin could hear the other members of the Justice League in the background.

It sounded like they were getting ready to fight!

Robin gulped.

"Bye-ah, Batsy!" Robin laughed like Joker would, insanely.

He clicked the phone off and put it down.

"RUN! They're coming!" Robin screamed.

Everyone jumped up and started to scatter.

Over their com links they heard Kid Flash suggest something.

"We should tie ourselves up to make it look like Joker was really here!" Kid Flash laughed.

"YES!" Rocket laughed.


The Justice League teleported to Mount Justice.

Only to find it vacant.

That was until they went into the living room/kitchen and found Rocket duct-taped to the couch.

"Rocket! What happened?" Icon and Wonder Woman asked as they cut her free.

"Joker! He took everyone to different parts of the Mountain!" Rocket said in her most worried voice.

"It's okay, we'll find them and take Joker down!" Black Canary's hands clenched into fists.

Rocket just nodded.


'Why are we putting a Joker card in the hallway?' Kid Flash asked over their mind link.

'Batman will notice if Joker didn't leave anything. Joker normally leaves his calling-card or a sign of some kind.' Robin thought logically.

'Now, come on! They're going down Megan's and Red Arrow's hallway right now!' Robin said, pulling Kid Flash with him into deeper in the Mountain.


"Megan!" Joh'n called out when he saw Miss Martian.

She was laying on the floor with a fire cage around her.

Aquaman immediately put it out.

Martian ManHunter and Aquaman checked her over.

Megan groaned like she was coming out of a sleep.

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