The Game Plan

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Sams P.O.V

It's been exactly a week since the brawl between Jack and I. I haven't talked to that jackass since and honestly I don't care to. Y/N and I have been going strong. You know long makeout sessions and no small talk are now our thing. I tried really hard to stop the friendship between Y/N and Jack, but I just don't know if it ever can be ruined or at least how.  But anyway, today is a friday and Jack is about to leaving for Magcon and I'm extremely excited because me and Y/N will be alone the whole weekend. It's friday morning and sadly, I have school, but I'm gonna see Y/N so I'm pumped. I walk into school exhausted as fuck, waiting til tonight so I can have stoner sex with Y/N. I walk to my first class and see Y/N and Jack laughing together against her locker. I roll my eyes and go up to her and kiss her on the cheek. Jack gave me a dirty look and continued talking to Y/N. I had enough of this little bs so I say, "Hey, can I have a turn to talk to my beautiful... girlfriend." I totally didn't realize what I just said. Fuck shit I just fucked up. I don't want a girlfriend. I just want sex, thats it. Y/N looks up at me and says, "Girlfriend?" and Jack looks down and says, "I didn't know you guys were in a relationship." I can see the disappointment on his face. I didn't answer for a while because it was a mistake. But then I thought, "Why not? Why not just give her the title so I can get what I want." So thats what I did. I gave her the title and said, "Yeah, my girlfriend. I mean if you don't mind me calling you that." I look at her and a smile arose from her face. She laughed and said, 'Only if I can call you my boyfriend." I smirk and kissed her on the lips. The bell rang and I walked with her to her first class holding hands and whatever cute bullshit young lovers do. I totally had her fooled and it was working out smoothly. As I walk away, I turn around to see Jack still standing there with no emotion on his face. I just laughed because he didn't get what he wanted and what he wanted was Y/N. Y/N turns to me and says, "What's so funny?" I say, "Nothing, so whatcha doing tonight?" She looks at me and says, "I didn't tell you? I'm going to Magcon with Jack and JJ." My plan just broke into tiny little pieces. I didn't say a word to her the whole way. I wasn't upset that she was going, I was just upset that he gets to spend the whole weekend with MY "girlfriend." 

Jacks P.O.V

The words that came out of Sams mouth "Hey, can I have a turn to talk to my beautiful... girlfriend," broke my heart. The word "Girlfriend" kept on repeating on in my head. I was heart broken. I actually feel bad for Y/N because she is totally blinded by him. The day went on regularly, but I didn't pay attention in any of my classes because the fact that the girl that I've been falling for since the day I laid eyes on her is dating a player. He's going to break her heart sooner or later, but when that day comes I'll be there to pick her right back up. I was in love with her and just because she's dating him isn't gonna change that. She is coming to Magcon with us this weekend. Maybe I can actually have alone time with her and tell her what a prick he really is. But I'm also afraid the boys will fall for her too. It's very hard to not fall in love with Y/N. She has that way about her that just thinking about her makes you automatically happy. And whenever you look at her it's like heaven because everything she has to say is peaceful and comforting. She's the type of girl that you would want to spend the rest of your life with. I never thought about my future or what's gonna happen in 10 years, but I'm praying to God she's in it.

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