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Jacks P.O.V

Today was one of the best days of my life. It's been exactly one year since I've been in rehab and I feel fantastic. For a couple nights, I wondered if I can handle leaving this place and going back home. Then I thought of Y/N. She told me to believe in myself so I did. I decided to challenge myself. I'm ready for the next chapter of my life. JJ left a couple months ago and he comes to visit me once a week. Three years ago, I would never picture that we would be friends again. Taylor left the same day JJ did. I don't know how she recovered so quick, but I was proud of her. We didn't get close, but JJ and her did and formed a relationship. All I need is to finally find closure with Sammy and become civil. I don't expect him to forgive me for all my mistakes, but I can try. We haven't been friends since that night in High School where he had an affair with another girl. So I don't know if we can resolve our feud.

I opened the door to a beautiful big brick house. It was quiet, too quiet. I began making my way to the kitchen when a bunch of people jumped up and said, "Surprise!" I was shocked yet overwhelmed. The guests came up to me one by one hugging me and explaining how proud they're of me. My sisters jumped into my arms. My sisters were amazing. They supported every decision I made. Honestly, I don't think they really ever liked Y/N. I think they thought she caused me too much pain. After twenty minutes, I finally got a break from the crowd. I walked into the kitchen to relax for a couple minutes. "Hey hun! You ok?" I turned around and it was my favorite person. My mother. "Yeah, Overwhelmed a little." She nodded and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you." She said. She started to cry. "Please, don't cry ma." She nodded and released me from the hug. "I know." She grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears away. "Mom, where's dad?" I asked. "Um, he had a business trip to go on. He wanted to be here." I looked down and said, "Ok." I knew my dad was disappointed in me for my past, but he's my father he can at least show his respect. "Is Y/N coming..?" I quietly asked. She shook her head and walked back into the party. Y/N told me she needed me and she doesn't even show up to my coming home party. 

The whole night was full of awkward conversations and compliments. After the mess was over, I decided to go out to Y/N's house. That question was stuck in my mind and it needed to be answered. I pulled up to her house and walked to the door. I took a deep breathe and stood there for a couple of minutes. "Do I really want to do this? Do I really want her? I've been through so much for one girl.. is it really worth it?" I knocked. After a couple seconds, the door opened. It was Y/N. She dyed her hair back to her natural color. She looked gorgeous. She was curvy and tall. "Oh my god! Jack!" She pulled me into a hug and said, "When did you get out? I missed you! I'm so proud of you!" I pulled away and said, "Wait, you didn't know I was home?" She shook her head, "Nobody told me." That's why she didn't come. Wow, I guess my family really doesn't like her. A large man walked behind her and said, "Babe, who is it?" She turned and said, "It's Jack!" I automatically recognized the voice and looked down. "Aye, Jack." He smiled. It was so awkward after he showed up. "Hey, Sammy." He said, "So, when did you get out?" I answered, "Today." He nodded. I knew he still didn't like me. Y/N stood there the whole time with a big smile on her face. "I should go." I said. Sammy nodded, but Y/N insisted for me to stay, but I couldn't handle seeing them together. I looked down and saw Y/N's hand. It had a beautiful diamond ring on her ring finger. I couldn't help myself, "Are you engaged?" I said with an attitude and began to get pissed. "Yeah, we are." Sammy said with confidence. "Cool." I walked away and went back into my car.

My temper started to rise and I broke down. The next time I remember was waking up in the hospital. My arm was in intense pain and I couldn't feel anything. Blood was pouring down my face and I began to feel weak inside. I closed my eyes and dreamt of happiness. It was my idea of heaven. And Y/N was nowhere to be found. 

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