It takes time

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Jacks P.O.V

Lately, everything has been rocky between me and Y/N. I stopped going there everyday. We don't text anymore. Prom passed and I went alone. I did ask Y/N, but she said, "How could I have a good night if my dad isn't here with me?" She made me feel so bad for actually caring about myself for once. It's been over a month, Y/N dropped out of school and now is homeschooled. I'm graduating in a month and I decided that I'm gonna live my life not someone elses. Believe me, I do love Y/N and I promised her I will never stop, but sometimes you gotta be a little selfish and do what's best for you. I needed to move on because just being around her nowadays is just depressing. 

Your P.O.V

I woke up this morning, feeling confident. I don't know where this came from, but I'm actually smiling. I haven't been in school for a month, but I'm coming back today. So many rumors has went around saying I was pregnant, I died, or I dropped out. But this is where I settle the truth. I wanna fix myself. I may only have one good friend, Daniella by my side, but that's all I need.

I get all pretty for my first day back. I put on my uniform and leave the house. My mom is acting extremely protective today for some reason. She told me that if anyone says shit to me, just walk away because they don't know the truth. On my way to school, I began to get nervous. I got nervous because so much people are gonna judge me. I really don't want to hear the sympathy from anyone today. I just wanted to learn then go home. 

I pull up to the front of the school, I get out. I can already feel people just staring me down. I began to feel self consious. I stop myself and say, "Calm down. Don't let these people get to you because they don't matter." I walk into school strudding my ass acting like I don't give a fuck. I walk up to my locker; not looking at anyone. Just walking. I feel someone grab my arm. I turn quickly. I see someone so beautiful, but i felt disappointment overwhelm my body. He hugged me quick and said in my ear, "I'm glad you're back." I release myself from the hug and I laugh. I couldn't help myself so I kiss him passionate but quick. I push off and say, "I know we had a rough time, but I'm back." He smiled and said, "I missed you." I said, "I missed you too.. Sammy."



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