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Your P.O.V

A week pasted from that night. Emotions and anxiety was building up. Some nights I would lay in complete darkness, overthinking everything. I wanted to take a pregnancy test, but I couldn't. I couldn't bare to find out the truth. I'm only 17. I'm going into college. My life is just starting. I can't be pregnant. When you're a kid, they ask you, "What do you wanna be when you grow up?" No one says, "Pregnant." I have dreams. I want to accomplish them and being pregnant is effecting that.

Ever since, Jack has been staying by my side. Some nighst, I would become heartbroken and depressed. I would cry uncontrollably. All these nights, Jack saved me. He would wipe every tear away and make me smile at the worst times. He would hug me tight. Run his fingertips through my hair and sing to me to relaxation. Honestly, I don't know how he's so calm during this. I'm over here shaking and he has the biggest smile on his face.

Today was different. Jack was off to Magcon with JJ and Aaron. I didn't tell anyone about the "scare", well not yet. Deana surpised me and came over to have a girls night. I denied at first, but she didn't take no for an answer. She stormed in with a bunch of movies, food, and more. We started our first movie, "Think Like a Man." My favorite. She turns to me and goes, "Whats wrong? This is your favorite movie!" I just looked down. My anxiety started building up. I confessed. I told her everything. She was shoked, but not judgemental at all. She cared. She listened. I was thankful to have her in my life. I was surprised she acted so calm. She hugged me and said, "Lets go." I was confused and even more nervous. She didn't tell me where, but I figured it out a few minutes before.

We arrived at the doctors within a few minutes. It was filled with annoying parents, worried teenagers, and kids running around. Having kids screaming in my ear made my anxiety worse. My stomach hurt so bad and I felt like I was going to puke. It was the longest wait I ever had to deal with. I was impatient and started shaking. Deana grabbed me and said, "Everythings gonna be ok." 

The nurse came out and called my name. I started to cry because what if i am pregnant. I'm going to become a mother and I'm only 17. I can barely support myself never the less another human being.

She ran some test and told me it would be while. She made me sit for another hour feeling light-headed. After a while, she slowly walked in and said, "How old are you again?" I started to studder, "S-sevent-teen." She nodded and smile and said, "Well congratuations..."



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