My Property

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Daves P.O.V

As we all gathered around the dinner table, I found Jacks eyes on Y/N the whole time. I don't understand what he doesn't get. We are not seventeen anymore. We are almost twenty. He lost his chance and there is no way I'm going to let hin get another.

We ate pizza and Y/N talked about our college experence. Then I decided to be a real man and brag about my girlfriend. 

Me: Yeah I'm so lucky I met Y/N. Ya know she's probably the best thing that ever happened to me
She grabbed my hand and kissed it.
Y/N's mom: I'm happy for you guys! Such a beautiful couple.
Me: Yeah, your daughter is so beautiful and I can't wait to spend my future with her.
Y/N: I love you.
Jack: Alright, can you pass me the pizza please.
Me: Yeah, but before you make yourself comfortable. Can we talk outside.
He nodded his head and followed me out the door. We sat on the cold concret steps

Me: So, I know you dated Y/N and all, but-
Jack: I get it
Me: Actually you don't fucking get it because if you got it, you wouldn't look at her how I do. Yeah, you dated her in the past, but so what. She needs a real man, not some phony loser that's stuck in the past and can't move on
Jack: You don't deserve her
Me: And you do? I heard about your little history with her. How you almost cheated, but she got pregnant. You didn't even love her. The only thing that was holding you two was that baby.
Jack: Haha, you're the replacement bro.
Me: It's caled moving on to someone better. Honestly, I can see why you never moved on. I mean it's Y/N., but she's mine now. And she will be mine for a long time. So try me.
Jack: You're a fucking joke, alright. You don't know her like I do. You weren't there for her like I have.
Me: Face it, bro. The girl you love is gone. Y/N is different than she was in high school. She doesn't rely on others for happiness. She is a woman now. The whole year she was single, she was the happiest she ever was; only beause you were not there. She needed time away from you and within that time period, she found me. I'm done with this bullshit with you. Accept my relationship or go fuck yourself. I will not let some prick ruin my bond with her. I wish I was there for her like you have. To be honest, thank you for keeping my girlfriend content, stable, and sane. But that ended and now this a new beginning, now fuck off. 

I got up and walked back into the kitchen leaving him sitting there in disappointment.

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