You again

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Your P.O.V

The music was blasting through the backyard; unable to comphend what's going on. I was in a gorgeous neon blue tight dress, I bought for a special night like this. I was dancing to every rap song that I was familiar with. I made a lot of new friends this summer. The only person I kept in touch with is Deana. I don't think our friendship could ever just vanish. Deana is also going to New York for college and I cannot wait. I left my old friends back at the front steps of that old, wore down high school. Jack became history and so did every inch of feelings I had for him.

Guys have been complimenting me all night and it was great to be single. It was amazing to not have the anxiety that if I say this or do this, it would be wrong. I'm doing me. I began dancing with all my college friends. I look to the right and found Deana in Aarons arm laughing and giggling. Sometimes, I wish that was me, but I don't need all the drama. A tall, handsome blue eyed beauty came walking in. I recongized him as soon as I laid eyes on him. He slowly made his way over to me. 

"Y/N?" I never met him before, but I remember having the biggest crush on him before Jack and Sammy. I turned around. My hair flowing in the wind. Our eyes met and I smiled, "Hi?" I curiously asked. How does he even know my name? He pulled me into a hug, "I'm so happy, I finally get to meet you!" His smile was adorable. I couldn't stop staring at it. 

I laughed and said, "How does the famous, Nash Grier, know my name?" I winked at him causing him to blush. "Well, Jack talks about you a lot." My voice began to get low, "Oh." He laughed and looked around the room. "Matter of fact, he is right over there. Want me to get him?" 

"No, thank you." I said very politely and sweet. He grabbed my hand anyway and pulled me across the room. "Look who I found!" Nash smiled. I don't think Nash knew what he was doing, so I didn't get an attitude with him. Jack looked straight into my eyes and said, "Oh.. hi Y/N." I gave him an awkward smile. I didn't speak a single word. I just let the awkwardness fill the room. "So, how ya been?" Jack asked. Honestly, I knew Jack didn't give a fuck about how was I doing and neither did  about his business. I just let the conversation go and said, "Great!" I said with a little smirk. I twisted around and walked away. I can feel Jacks eyes on me, but I didn't mind just because he's just an ex. Nothing more, nothing less.

Jacks P.O.V

I heard Nash's voice appear from a far. I looked over to see Nash with... Y/N? I'm screwed. I was just starting to move on and now she's right in my face. Damn she looked so sexy in that tight dress. As we were "talking" I can see other guys staring at her. Seeing her made me want to rip every inch of clothing off of her. I bite my lip, but she just looked away. I decided to clear the awkwardness, but all it did was create more.

"How are ya?" I tried to be friendly, but I got a sarcastic response. She turned the other way and began strudding off. Nash looked at me and planted his hand on my back, "Til next time, buddy." My plan was crumbled into tiny little pieces just like my broken heart. Something in me just couldn't accept that I couldn't call Y/N mine anymore. Just seeing her made me break down. I went to this party knowing she was going to be here expecting me to win her back. She didn't want any part of me. I tried so hard to move on for HER, but no one is her. No one can ever be Y/N. I'm determined to win her back. And I will.. right now. As she was strudding that perfect ass of hers, I ran behind her and grabbed her arm. She twisted around. I aggressively placed my lips on hers. Surprisingly, she didn't fight it. We just kissed in front of everyone, never letting go.. 

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