What a Surprise..

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Jacks P.O.V

As I was running through the crowded hallway, numerous thoughts went through my head. I couldn't comphend what just happened. All I got was a call from her mother to come to the hosiptal. Her mother wasn't a big fan of me, so I could just imagine how awkward it will be. I finally saw her mother at the end of hallway. As I got closer to her, I noticed that she was crying. When our eyes met, she stood up and gave me her apologizes. I sat there with her mother for about a hour talking about Y/N. She began to tell me what happened, but the doctor interupted. "Mrs. Y/L/N and who's this." Her mother began to speak, but I took action. "Oh, this is-".. "Hi, sir I'm Y/N's future husband." Her mother looked at me with a confused look. The doctor nodded and shook my hand. "Well, we got good news." I didn't even know what the good news was, but I was already smiling. "She's going to make it." Her mother grabbed me into a hug. "And the baby?" I asked. The doctor looked down and said "Well, she's waking up in a few minutes, so we will check, but she was so close to passing. So I really don't know about the baby yet. I'm sorry." I let out a big sigh. "When can I see her?" Her mother asked. To be honest, I know she's your daughter, but you abandoned her. What makes you think she wants to see you. Then I realized, what makes me think she's gonna want to see me after the whole Brianna scandal. "You can go in now." I had to put my differences aside and just let her go. She looked at me for approval. I nodded and she quickly grabbed her stuff and left. I really wanted to see Y/N. I think I wanted to see her more than her own mother. I'm the love of her life and she just left her on the street. 

Your P.O.V

Intense pain shot from my hip as I opened my eyes. Every inch of my body hurt like hell. I woke up from the accident the worst way; in pain and seeing the person I didn't want to see for the rest of my life. She sat right next to me. I don't think she realized I was awake because she was talking into my palm. She spoke comfortingly "I'm so sorry. I should of supported you. I'm so sorry. I can't loose you. I lost grandma, dad, not you. You and Y/B/N are all I have left and I let you go. I'm a shitty mother. I'm sorry I love you." I decided to take action, "You're not a shit mother. You were overwhelmed. I love you." She looked at me and hugged me tight. She kissed my forehead and started crying. We sat there for a couple minutes just venting. I told her everything about Brianna. Then out of nowhere she turns to me and goes, "Then why is Jack here?" My confusion kept growing as she kept talking about him. She got up and went to get him WITHOUT MY PERMISSION.

After, not even a minute he runs into the room. He stood in the doorway just staring at me. "What?" I rolled my eyes and had a tone in my voice. He walked over to me, "I love you." He tried to kiss me, but I moved the opposite way. "Get away." He sat next to me and said, "No. I did not do anything with her and you know that. Just believe me." I got frustrated so I started to yell. "Well, now you can do all you want with her because we are done." He looked me in my eyes with sorrow. "But you're pregnant." His voice began to get deep. "Well, I will raise this baby on my own. I will not let my child be raised with a cheater as a father." He bit his lip and said, "No. You're mine and this baby is mine. Y/N. Just fucking forgive me." He started to cry, he continued, "She's lying holy shit. I will only love you and you only. I promise you I-I will never do anything to hurt you." I started to cry, just because part of me wants to kick him in his balls and the other part of me wants to forgive him. He got up and said, "Well fuck it."

He gets down on one knee, his voice was shakey, "I wanted to wait until we found out the babys gender, but I can't wait. Y/N Y/L/N be my forever. I know I've made mistakes and so have you, but we can get through this together. I will be by your side. Y/N I love you more than anything on this earth. You keep a smile on my face on my darkest days. I hope you can continue to do that. Y/N, marry me. We are young, but you're my forever and I will prove that to you every single day of your life. No, our life. - Together. I want you and only you to be Mrs. Gilinsky. Marry me."

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