An Anchor at the Bottom of the Sea.

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Your P.O.V

I haven't been in school for 2 weeks and I don't care anymore. I became extremely depressed and lonely after the murder. The only people I talk to is my brother, my mom, and Jack. My dads funeral was the worst experience I ever had to encounter. So many unfamilar faces bullshitting their way through the day giving me their sympathy and their prayers. When really I didn't need it nor did I want all the pitty. Sam tried calling and texting me, but I never answered. I didn't have the chance to break up with him, so he thinks we're still dating. Sam came to my dad's funeral, but kept his distance. I knew he saw me and Jack cuddling up with each other, but I guess he ignored it or something. Every single day, I would sit in total darkness, just starting new tv shows after another. I felt so empty. I was lost in my thoughts. I would see Jack everyday. We wouldn't talk that much, well not at all actually. The only words that would come out of his mouth were, "Are you ok?" I would nodd so he wouldn't have to worry. I felt bad for him. He was trying his best to make me happy, but it wasn't working. At this point, nothing would cheer me up. I mean what could? My father wasn't going to walk me down the aisle. He's never gonna experience what's it like to be a grandfather. He wasn't gonna be there when I go to college. Nothing. He was my hero. I was daddy's little girl. I fought with him about Sam. He never liked Sam, honestly. My dad always thought Sam treated me less than I actually deserve. My dad was always right no matter how much times I denied it. I would stay up until 5 in the morning just blasting music. Every time I closed my eyes, flashbacks of that night would replay. I was scared of myself. I didn't want to feel this way, but I went insane. I completely lost all my love with Jack. I lost all the respect of my mother. I lost myself and I don't ever think I'll ever find myself again.

Jacks P.O.V

School wasn't the same anymore without Y/N. Nothing was the same without Y/N. Even Y/N was nothing without herself. She wasn't being herself since that night. She became dark and depressed. This isn't the girl I fell in love with. Y/N used to smile and now this person doesn't even speak. We only have a month of school and I'm scared for her. I'm scared she wouldn't be able to graduate. Most importantly, I'm scared she might not able to become better. This weekend is prom and I'm planning on asking her. Even if she denys it, I'm still gonna ask. She maybe upset, but then again, I'm in this too. I'm risking my heart for this girl, but she's breaking it. I love her so much, but she's making me fall out of love. That might sound so selfish, but I have feelings too. And her not giving me her attention is wrecking every inch of me. I sit in her room next to her. Not saying a word. Staring at the TV for hours. Sometimes I put my hand on her thigh, but she just pulls away. I try and talk to her, but she just nodds her head. I try so hard to make her happy, but it's not working. And honestly, I'm sick of trying. I give up. I gave up. Not on her.  But our love.

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