❁56: On Our Way❁

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Are they coming for me? What's the point, I've been here for nearly a month now and I just know no one cares. Not even Matthew or my own Brother!

"Please let me go home" I whimper, Maria sighs and throws me down stairs. I tumble down the rusty metal staircase and bang my head.

A few tears escape my eyes but I just want out of here.

I want to go home, with Matthew and my brother. I want to feel the cool winter breeze against my pale skin, I want to be able to taste real food.

I want to be dead.

I want to just be able to escape, in the movies they normally escape when the kidnapper just leaves and they escape. but in reality I can't.

I screech in pain as I whack my head against the walls, I'm not the same bubbly happy girl I used to be. Nuh-Uh. I'm now a sick crazy girl who's been locked up for a month.

So great.

I hear them talking, I gently walk up the staircase and press my ear against the wood door.

"What do we do with her?"

"Maybe we should let her go.."

"Are you stupid?! We can't!" A male yells, to Maria.

"Okay" She whimpers.

"What do we do? Abandon her and run?" Another voice asks them

"Maybe.. But no one can know about this." Maria whispers, commandingly.

"So that's it? We leave her here and run?" The first male voice questions again, she scoffs and him and he shuts up.

"Get your stuff, Go In the car and I'll lock the doors on my way out." Maria says.

There leaving? I'm stuck here?! I hear them rambling and they all run to get there stuff.

I run down the staircase and hide in the darkest corner. As everyone left, I remember Maria is still here. The door unlocks, I squeeze my eyes shut and whimper.

"Shut up and get over here!" She whispers, commandingly. I raise an eyebrow and slowly get up and go to her.

"I'm so sorry about all of this, Here. Take your things and go, after us." She says, handing me my stuff in a bag.

"W-why now?" I ask, my voice is barely there.

"Because I love your brother" She frowns, Now I don't really want to kill her.

"T-thank you," I stutter she slightly smiles and walks out the door.

How does a phone work again? I press the top button on it and the screen lights up.

It's a photo of Matthew and I, under the mistletoe. It's. Really nice photo, my eyes she a few tears. What's my password?

I type 'MATT' and it works. I mentally slap myself got being so stupid. I go to call the cops, but the internet is all out. It's been 10 minutes maybe I should go now.

I walk to the door, opening the knob and feeling the cool winter breeze against my pale skin. It feels good, knowing I was stuck in a super heated basement.

I'm currently wearing a Batman shirt and shorts. I'm freezing, I shut the door and check what street I'm on. I'm nearly a hour away from my home.

Where's the closet bus stop? I walk and walk until I see one. Just my luck, a bus just arrived. I walk on the bus and take a seat in the far back, so no one could notice my ugly appearance.

My eyes begin getting droopy, I can't go to sleep now! I'm nearly at my home! I manage to keep my eyes open.

I see my street, I stand up as the bus stops. I walk out on the farthest exit and thank the bus driver. He smiles and lets me out.

What's the house number again? I check my phone. I go to notepads and just my luck -again- I wrote everything down. 34. Number 34.

I look for number 34, I see a big mansion looking house and I gulp down. I slowly walk to the door, Maybe they don't remember me? Or they don't care about me?

Without thinking I knock on the door, what did I just do?! I let my mind work for my actions as the door opens, My eyes and now fully crying as I see my love.




im so sorry it took me like more than a week to update, I actually really wanted 2.3k. Can I maybe have 2.3k before Valentines day?:3

Thank you! I've been a really late updater rn I'm so sorry -again- plus it's a really crappy update.

I just wanted Scarlet home again :-: my stupid mind. Idek.

Can I have 2.3k? For the next update? We're at 2.26k we CAN do it!:3

I love you all:3


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