❁52: Marriage?❁

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Why? They didn't leave a note or even told me! Magcon usually takes a brake at 12:30, and it's 12:20 now so I'll call in 10.

I call Dillan, as she picks almost immediately.

"Hey girl!" She answers

"Hey Dill" I momentarily frown

"What's glum chum?"

"Everyone's at Magcon and they didn't
Tell me" I spoke, sadly.

"What?! That's low key I'm sorry Scar" She responds, I nod, even though she isn't here.

"They'll be back in 3 days though" I try to lighten the mood.

"There jerks I'm sorry but I gotta go" She says rather quickly

"Okay bye" I frown.

"Bye" She hangs up.

What's going on with everyone? Whatever. I grab my purse, and phone and decided to go shopping.

I went Into Walmart for some new things I needed. I went Into the make-up section to notice they were selling the Naked3?! There was one left.

I grabbed it, and continued to look for some new things I needed.

I needed some new facial cleanser, so I looked. I just grabbed Clean and Clear's morning burst and continued.

After shopping, from Walmart I went into PINK as my phone went 'ding'. I quickly checked it. A text message? I unlock my phone and went to the bright green app.

I saw 'UN-KNOWN'. What? Who has my number? I never leaked it.. Anyways, the text says..

UN-KNOWN: You look good ;)

What? I turn around seeing no one looking at me. It's probably one of the boys. I decided to ignore it, it's probably a fan. Until I got it again.

UN-KNOWN: You shouldn't be walking around by yourself Hun (;

Now, I'm starting to freak out.

UN-KNOWN: I will have you to myself soon. That's a BIG promise.

Okay, it's 12:40 so I call Matthew.
Wait.. I'm mad at him! Should I tell him about the unknown person? As he finally picks up.

"Hey babe" He says like nothing's wrong

"Why.." I say, sniffing

"I'm sorry! Bart literally made everyone not tell you.. Plus you were sleeping so no one woke you up because we know how you are if your being woken up by someone Else." He explains

"Oh." Oh.

"Yeah! I'm sorry , is there anything else because Magcon starts in 10." He replies

"Um.." Should I tell him?

"No, nothing's wrong" I bite my lip, frustrated.

"You sure?" He says, worriedly

"Yup.." I say, popping the 'P'

"Well I got to go, I love you" He says, the ending sounding serious.

"I love you too" I say softly, licking my lips from standing here for so long. I hang up. Whose this mystery texter?

Whatever, I thought to myself. Maybe I should just ignore this UNKNOWN texter for now. Yeah. I will!

I will call Matthew later on before I go to sleep, Magcon ends at around 8-9 so I'll call him at around 10.

Since I know the boys don't go to sleep ever; Well, at Magcon. I walk out of the mall and decided to go to Starbucks.

I walk into Starbucks and wait in the line, as I'm at the front the lady at the cash register began to speak.

"Hello, my name is Lindsay what would you like?" She asks me, ready to do whatever she does.

"May I please have a Peppermint Mocha, Tall" I ask, hearing how it tastes pretty good. Plus, it was a warm drink for the colder days.

"That'll be $4.45 ma'am" She replies. I grate fully handed her a $5 bill.

"What's your name, Hun?" Lindsay asked, she looks like she's in her early 20's.

"Scarlet" I reply, she nods and shoo's me off. That's pretty rude.

Anyways, I wait for my drink.


Hey guys! Thank you for 1.78k! It means a lot to me.

I'm watching Santa Pups with my brother! It's literally so cute and adorable and the little girl is a cutie agh

Can we get 2k?! Maybe by Monday? ;3

Thanks darlings:) xx


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