Down in the Deep

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Three months have passed by and Jayson and Monti have really been enjoying each other's times since they've met. The chemistry between the two was phenomenal at this point, but they were not in a relationship yet. Monti had a feeling it may work out and this could be her best relationship yet if they went to the next level. She had hope in that, but of course she was still a bit scared from all of her other tries.

It's been a long day. It's now 6pm in the evening and it feels like it's been 48 hours already. Kourtney is stressed and distraught, Monti is still angry and furious, Tyren was just an asshole over all, Dandy and Gino are in a pinch, and Ryder is secretly helping Kourtney while she is homeless. The day has been crazy.

"I don't know what to do. I just don't know,'' said Kourntey.

"You can't just sign your name on the papers again?" Ryder asked.

"I'd have to wait a couple years to do that. I haven't talked to my uncle at all. I think he's blocked me so I blocked him too. I can't even believe this shit man! I lost everything. Everything! He didn't have nothing! I put in all the work and all the hours of building my whole entire brand and he didn't contribute shit! How can he just all of a sudden take my house? My house? I couldn't even take my car!," Kourtney cried.

"As much as I wanna say I don't care because you and my sister are no longer friends, I do kind of feel bad so that's why I'm helping out. I just can't let Monti know. How long do you need help?" Ryder asked.

"I don't know. At Least until I get back on my feet. I have my own hair business so that should be enough until I can get another place. That shouldn't be long, I hope, She said.

"Well until then you're gonna have to stay at my place. Just gotta stay low,"

Ryder continued the ride to his house while looking out to make sure no one was following him or seen him and Kourtney together. Ryder had something else on the side he does besides tattoos and IT work. He didn't tell no one about it because that's his business and he just keeps it that way.

"Look, I don't want you leaving here. If you have an appointment with your clients, send them here. Do not leave this house," Ryder said as he was opening the door.

"Why can't I leave?" She asked.

"Because we don't want to risk Monti or Tyren to see us together. Prevents us both from getting hurt," He said,

"So I have to be a prisoner?" She asked.

"Kind of." Ryder opened the door.

"This is crazy..."

"Now it's food here and you can eat it if you'd like or you can order food, that is up to you. I'm about to head out and handle some business. My parents aren't home right now so enjoy it while you can. Don't move," Ryder said.


Ryder left the house and hopped in his car and began to make a call.

"Yo," Said Ryder.


"Hey, look, I'm on my way to the drop. Is everything clear?" Ryder asked.

"Yeah. When you get there, wait for me. Don't do nothing. There's still some unfinished business I gotta handle before I come. What's yo ETA?"

"I'm about 10 out. You?" Ryder asked.

"Fifteen. I gotta do something real quick and imma be there,"



"I don't know Jayson. We just went out to eat. I want to go somewhere where we can have fun like an arcade," I said.

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