Unexpected Friend. 7

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Alexis's Pov.

I dropped my fork as my eyes opened wide,


I yelled out. I couldn't go to school after what happened last time i went to a public school, i mean sure private school and public school are two differents things but they are both full of judgmental teenagers, and there is always someone who hates you no matter what school you go to, what if it happened again. Dad took a deep breath and said with soft voice that he only uses when he's trying to calm someone down.

"Don't worry i already talked with the principal about what happened at your last school and he says that he will make sure that the teachers are notified and they will keep a lookout to make sure it won't happen again. You will be okay i promise"

Even tho that made me calm down a little i was still shaking a little. I gave a little nod and we began eating again but this time in silence, until i broke it.

"... So when do i start anyways?"

I could hear the nervousness in my voice as i asked.

"You will start Monday, so you have a few days to prepare"

"Well i guess i could at least try "

He smiled and we ate the rest of our food in a comfortable silence.


It was 3.28 in the middle of the night when i woke up with a scream. I had a nightmare again, i hadn't had one of them in a while, but this one was specifically bad so i had woke up screaming and with tears streaming down my face. I heard footsteps running down the hall and stop at my door, when the door opened i saw my dad standing in the doorway. When he saw me curled up in my blanket he came over and hugged me while rocking back and forth. He the lifted me off my bed and walked to his room that was two doors away from mine, and opened the door and put me down on it and laid down on the other side. As soon as he was laying down i curled up too him and felt him petting my hair. Over the past year this had happened a lot, especially when i first came to the manor so now it was pretty normal.

~Timeskip til Monday~

When i woke up i found myself in dads room, i wondered how i got here that's until i remembered what had happened during the night. I yawned and was about to get up when i saw a note, it was clearly from dad.

Good Morning Alex, there is breakfast at 7:00 so you might wanna hurry after all it is your first day of school.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was 6:55 i got up from the comfy bed and i hurried over to my closet and threw the doors open and as quickly as i could i found some clothes i liked and ran to the bathroom that was connected to my room. When i was done i walked back into my room and checked my phone for how much time i had left, it was 6:58. I ran down the hall, down the stairs and into the dining room where i saw Bruce sitting in his chair reading the newspaper while breakfast.

"I see you finally made it, and with two minutes to spare"

Dad said as he put down the newspaper and smiled at me. I sat down on my chair and began eating my breakfast. After that it was time for hell, oh i'm sorry i mendt school.

"Don't worry you'll be fine"

Dad said as we sat in the limousine. Even tho i want to believe him i know he's only saying it to calm me down and sadly it didn't seem to be working since i was still utterly terrified. When we arrived i saw the giant building, it kinda reminded me of Hogwarts from Harry Potter(yeah i am a big fan of Harry Potter). Dad comfortably patted me on the back to tell me that it was okay. Anyway we began to walk towards the front entrances and walked in. I had no idea where we were going but it seemed like dad knew, but then again he went to school here too. We finally arrived at the front desk to the office, where there was a woman sitting writing in some papers. Dad cleared his throat to get her attention, she looked up and said with a bittersweet voice.

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