Healing. 22

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Richard/Dick's Pov.

"So he still hasn't change huh?"

She let out a sigh while slightly shaking her head, rubbing her thumb against the hot cup of chocolate in her hands.

"... I'm honestly scared that he'll never change back, not that I blame him... it's just that I'm afraid of losing him more than I already have"

I just stayed silent hugging her sideways while rubbing her shoulder. Nine months since Jason's death and Bruce is still being a distant asshole acting like he is the only one who was affected by Jay's death, I mean for fuck's sake he hardly even looks at Alex nevertheless speaks to her and when he finally does is just short sentences or just a single word. Sometimes he just disappears for a week worrying the hell out of both Alex and Alfred. Alfred has tried to talk to him but like the asshole, he is he just ignores him or pushes him aside. While Alfred is fine(although quite worried)I'm worried about Alex I mean I was of course devastated by Jay's death to but Alex lost one of her little brothers and is now losing her father, she can hardly even focus on her studies. So now it's up to me, Alfred, Kori, and Laura to get her back on her feet again.


I looked up to see my beautiful girlfriend standing in front of the table as she sat down each one of our pieces of cake. Kori was the one who helped me through everything and I couldn't ask for a better girlfriend. After she learned that Bruce had become an emotional piece of shit she became just as pissed at him as I was, she also saw just how much it affected Alex. Alex and Kori has always been great friends since Alex was the one who taught her all the things she needed to know when she first came to earth, right after learning that Kori was an alien her first reaction was that she wanted to teach her everything she needed to know to survive here on earth and Kori had just jumped head first into it. After I and Kori had spent four months in Gotham living in the manor we moved back to the tower, not that we wanted to more like Alex nearly pushed us out the door saying that she was fine and that we shouldn't worry. Of course, we knew that was a lie which is why we made her promise to come to visit the tower at least once a week.

"Thanks, Kori"

Alex said as she began digging into her chocolate cake.

"Hey, sis you sure hot chocolate and a full out chocolate cake isn't, oh I don't know maybe a bit too much chocolate?"

I asked, I mean I know they say woman love chocolate but I don't think even the biggest chocolate lover could take that much chocolate. I mean this wasn't just some corner store chocolate cake, this was a pretty expensive place that made cakes that made you full within three bites.

"No chocolate is too much chocolate"

She said pointing the little fork at me, I just held my hands up in surrender.

"Whatever you say, captain" I said with a smile happy that she still hadn't completely lost herself in all this sorrow and drama. I, of course, was right, after about four bites of the cake she was full.

"I'm never gonna eat chocolate again"

She said as she leaned back in the chair while her arms rested on her stomach.

"I think we all know that's a lie. I mean you are probably the biggest chocolate lover I've ever met"

Kori inquired with a smile while eating a bite of her strawberry cake.

"Yeah... you're right, do you think I can get this in a doggy bag?"

She said with a smirk, and we just began to laugh. While Kori and Alex began a new conversation about who knows what I made it my mission to take one of Kori's strawberries without her noticing.

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