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Jason's Pov.

"Where the fuck did that dumb dog go," I asked myself as I looked behind the couch trying to find Luna "I swear next time Alex asks me to watch her damn dog I'm gonna close the door in her face".

Alex had asked me to watch Luna while her and Noah were in Metropolis getting some Christmas presents, apparently since they both have been so busy lately, Noah with his job and Alex with her re-taking a school year to get through the exam she failed a few months ago they haven't been able to go shopping for Christmas gifts and since Bruce(more Alfred actually)is holding a family Christmas dinner the day before Christmas, having us all stay over till the next morning to open presents. Honestly I didn't want to go but if i didn't Dick and Alex would properly just smash the door to my apartment down and drag me over to the manor by force.

Anyway since both of them were gone, Bruce, Alfred, and Tim were busy with decorating the manor and taking care of other things and Dick was doing his job and was on patrol that just left me, well and Alex's friends but Alex had insisted that I take care of Luna, deeming it a "good opportunity to do some bonding" while I servile doubted that since that dog hated me as much as any other animal in the entire animal kingdom does. But being the great brother I was I agreed.

I went down on the floor and looked under the couch and saw the damn dog, that immediately began growling at me.

"Yeah yeah I get it, you hate me, the feeling is mutual. But if I don't take care of you Alex will quite literally rip my head off and serve it to you so both of us are gonna have to suffer through this" I said, mostly to myself since the dog properly didn't understand a word I said. I hooked my two fingers around her collar and gently tried to tuck her out from under the couch, key word being tried because when I tucked on her collar she turned and bit my hand.

"Fucking hell!, your a stubborn little shit aren't you" I yelled walking into the kitchen and pulling out the small bag of dog treats Alex had left, before making my way back to the couch and sat down by the coffee table and pulled out a treat.

"Come on, see what I have," I said with an irritated tone as I held out the dog treat. I could see Luna sniffing the air and looking at the treat before deciding it wasn't worth getting near me to get the treat and ignored me and the treat.

"You have got to be the most stubborn ass dog I have ever had the displeasure of meeting," I said, giving slightly up.

"I swear, it's just like Alex to take in those with the most problems. Well, I do suppose they say like father like daughter" I said with a sigh as I put the treat back into the bag before leaning my back against my couch and closing my eyes.

"... She shouldn't be so accepting, I mean it's great that she is, she's just about the only person in this fucked up family that doesn't analyze people the moment they walk in the door. But if she keeps going she's gonna end up in some really big trouble" I said rubbing my forehead in frustration.

"I mean she always asks us how we are doing, if there is anything we need or if we just need to talk. But whenever we ask her, she always comes with the same reply, 'no I'm fine' or 'don't worry about me' and it's so fucking clear that somethings hurting her, that she's hiding something she's afraid to tell us... and yet she never does"

"This is fucking ridiculous, why the hell am I talking about this to a dog, nonetheless a dog that god damn hates me" I said standing up again and picking up the bag of dog treats "you can stay under there, just don't come running to me when you're hungry" I began making my way into the kitchen only to hear something smashing from the living room, I quickly grabbed onto my gun I had laying around in one of my kitchen cabinets before making my way into the living room.

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