The good doctor. 27

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"Come on Luna!" I called as I saw her come running towards me and Noah quickly. It's incredible how much can happen in a year, I mean my graduation, me and Noah getting together, Dick and Kori moving in together and Jay finally showing dad that he was alive even though it wasn't exactly the best reunion(AN: Batman Under The Red Hood).Although Jay came back into our lives he still kept the mantle of Red Hood and was as violent as ever no matter how much dad tried to tell him off. Tim and Jason were introduced to each other and even though they clearly hated each other in the start they had warmed up to each other, and even though they would never admit it they thought of each other as brothers. Luna had become a permanent member of the family, she had taken well to everyone in the family and loved being around everyone.

Dick had decided to pass on the leader position of the Teen Titans to Tim while Dick became the new protector of Blue Haven, a city not so far away from Gotham he also got a job as a cop, which I was proud of him for. And as for moving, me and Noah had talked about moving in together, of course, we hadn't told the rest of the family yet(although I already talked with Laura, Katrina, and Marco and they were all very happy for me), I had become quite terrified since what happened last time when I told them that me and Noah was in a relationship. Both Jay, Tim, Dick and dad had threatened him about hurting me when I wasn't around, even Alfred had warned him not to hurt me. When I heard of what they had done I had dragged them all down to the bat cave and used half an hour trying to explain to them that Noah would never hurt me intentionally and that I could take care of myself, after that they stayed out of my relationship. Luckily they took me seriously but they still kept an eye on Noah and still made sure I was safe they just kept it to a lower level and I suppose that's the best I could ask for. Right now Noah and me were at the park with Luna waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, since they reacted like they did last time I told them about Noah and I's relationship I had decided that this time we should do it in public so we had organized a picnic at the local park.

"Sis!" I heard a very familiar voice yell out from behind me before I was tackled from behind by my 18-year-old brother soon to be taller than me, annoyingly.

"Jesus Dick what have I told you about the tackling, it's gotta stop," I said annoyed but still not able to hide the smile that formed on my lips. After making Dick let me go(with the help of his lovely girlfriend Kori)I said hello to the rest of the family and we began to set up the picnic. Of course not even halfway through the picnic the paparazzi decided to show up to get some pictures of us for their gossip magazines. Both Dick and I held Jay back when he was about to go over there and give each of them their own personal bullet through their heads. Dad had called in some help and before we knew it they were gone once again, leaving us alone finally.

"I heard you got a job at Washington's Law Firm," Dad asked Noah as we all just began eating the delicious food Alfred had been so nice to prepare(of course Alfred was here as well enjoying this nice family outing).

"Yeah, it was a lot of hard work but I finally made it, although Alex was a lot of help to motivate me so I never gave up," He said with a smile, properly happy that the awkward silence was gone(he certainly wasn't the only one). But yes he had recently gotten a new job at one of the biggest law firms in not only this state but one of the biggest law firms of the country which in turn made him earn quite a lot of money(even though he was still on the low end of scale, but he was happy nonetheless)and that was part of the reason why we thought it was a good idea to move in together now, we even found a very nice apartment, although it was in Starling City which makes the reveal so much more nerve wrecking.

"What no, you did all the hard work, I only helped you stay on the right path," I said before taking another sip of my cider, before continuing.

"But now that we are on the subject" I started setting my cup down and started to cling to Noah's arm before continuing "since Noah is earning more now and we have been together for a year we decided to... move in together" I said hugging Noah's arm closer while looking around at the different reactions. Dad just raised a brow while Alfred just smiled and congratulated Noah and me with Dick and Kori doing the same. Jay got some beer stuck in his throat and Tim just smiled and said congratulations.

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