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SO just a quick disclaimer, I'm not shitting on anyones religion or beliefs, this is just for the story!

Third-person Pov.

Alexis Vita Bianchi, born to Annalisa Tessa Bianchi and Bruce Wayne on the 21 of December. Her mother got pregnant at the young age of 17 years old with her biological father who was 19 at the time, he however didn't know of Annalisa's pregnancy and therefore didn't know about Alexis.

Annalisa, however, didn't want to be a mother and because of that she ignored her child, setting her up for adoption was out of the question as she might be able to extract some money from the unknowing father in the future, however, she needed it to be just at the right time so it would hurt him the most, she needed to pay him back for him ruining her life. Alexis grew up ignored by her mother, abuse both physical and mental was the norm in her childhood, both by her mother and her mother's "friends".

However, when she was at the age of 9 she got her to wish and finally met her biological father when her mother finally decided to set her plan in action, however it backfired and her years of torturing her daughter were released by Bruce himself and therefore she was sentenced to life in prison for both, child abuse, child neglect, and possible sexual abuse. The last time Alexis saw her mother she was being dragged away in handcuffs, screaming and crying. A few days later was when she met her biological father, the man who she found out was responsible for sending her mother to prison.

While Alexis knew what her mother did to her was terrible she couldn't help but love her, yes her mother had done things beyond forgiveness but there had been times where she seemed to genuinely cared for Alexis and because of that Alexis could never seem to hate her. That however also meant when she found out who sent her mother to prison she was angry, how dare her father to send her mother to prison, her hatred only grew when she saw him for the first time.

She was cold to him, she did whatever she could to oppose her father in any means necessary. She succeeded many times, she was punished sure, but the punishments were never worse than what her mother had dished out, not even close and so they were ignored. Her anger only grew when Richard Grayson entered the picture, she hated him for growing up with the love she never had, for him gaining her fathers favor even though he was the adopted one, yes she hated her father but part of her got attached to her father no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, it was still there.

Her father's nightly activities she ignored, although they did make her angry, she saw no reason to put herself in any danger by getting involved with them, she had the same opinion when Richard joined her father's nightly activities. Her hatred for the family grew and was returned by them. Richard hated her, Alfred hoped she could become better but that hope was slowly fading every day that passed and her father had already given up on her changing.

Jason came into their lives and got the same treatment as Richard did. While Jason and Richard didn't care so much for each other's company they did wholeheartedly agree with the hatred they felt for their "sister". Richard left the manor and moved out after a fight with Bruce, shortly after Jason died on the nightly job leaving Bruce broken. Alexis saw nothing in this, she wasn't sad that either of the boys "left", she was rather happy. Timothy came and went rather quickly, he made little to no impact on Alexis since by the time he came to the family she had moved into her own very expensive house and only came to the manor for money.

Although when Damian came was what finally made her snap, one night she had stormed into the manor and yelled and screamed her lungs out at both Bruce, Alfred and Damian, Damian ended up threatening her by almost slicing her head off if not for Bruce stopping him. She had left that night only for her to get news the next morning that her mother had died in prison. She never went back home after that, she was taken in the dark of the night by the one and only clown prince of Gotham.

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