Remember Me-40

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Third-person Pov

The police showed up quicker than they've ever done to the newer crime scenes, who wouldn't when they've got the entire bat clan breathing down their necks. Commissioner Gordon stayed up so many nights that he'd gone from mildly paranoid to Batman levels of paranoia which is just not good for any party involved, probably the reason his wife is making him stay on the couch when he finally does pass out for an hour.

Either way, it wasn't just the police that was terrified and paranoid, the whole of Gotham was, the bat clan was terrorizing the entire city and several gangs and other criminals had taken a vacation due to fear of getting beaten up so bad, so bad they'd end up in a coma, it had already happened four times. Even several from the famous rogue gallery had decided to take a break out of fear, thinking it would be the safest to just stay in Arkham for now. No one knew was what had pissed the bat clan off so much that they'd almost throw their moral code out the window.

The Gotham upper class was also in disarray as the Wayne family seems to have gone MIA, no one had seen the famous Bruce Wayne or any of the Wayne kids in an extraordinary amount of time, they weren't at any galas or charity events. Several news sources and people all around the world kept repeating one question... What in the world is going on in Gotham?

Of course what many didn't know was nothing was really wrong with the city itself, just with one particular family. For them, it had been a busy day and night but still just as any others really, until they went home that is, after that day the whole family only had one goal in mind and one goal only, find who did this and pay them back in any way possible. The Justice League had tried to help but ultimately failed in that, the Teen Titans had tried their hand as well but came out with the same results. However, if there is one thing that ties this family together more than Alfred's cookies it's the unbeatable stubbornness they all share, and their stubbornness tends to pay off and this time is no different.

Alexis Pov.

It helped, singing to myself helped, it was far from pleasant as my voice was scratchy, horse and it sounded worse than horrible but if it helped it was worth doing it. Always making sure no one was around when I did sing, out of fear that they'd break or take away the only thing I had left in this dirty rotten prison cell. My emotions were still unstable and hard to feel but I got better at deciphering them and dealing with the trauma that kept coming back. The one thing that gave me hope beyond doubt was when I remembered something I couldn't recall before, however along with that came what I believe was memories that I had no connections too whatsoever, and yet they still felt like memories, most of them were just a voice yelling at someone and just generally being terrible. I recognized the voice, it was the same one from that weird dream thing that happened when I was at the manor with... with... Alfred... no, not time to think about that.

I sat myself against the cold wall and listened for anyone who might be around. After a minute or two, I decided it was safe and started to hum a bit before putting words to the melody.
(Safe and Sound, from Hunger Games, sung by Taylor Swift)

I remember tears streaming down your face when I said I'll never let you go
When all those shadows almost killed your light
I remember you said don't leave me here alone
But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

White light flooded through my eyelids, I opened my eyes to see the same white that I usually only see when my visions come. I stayed still and continued to hum not surprise in the least at what was happening.

Don't you dare look out your window, darling everything's on fire
The war outside our door keeps raging on
Hold onto this lullaby Even when the music's gone, gone
Just close your eyes, the sun is going down
You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound
Just close your eyes, you'll be alright
Come morning light, you and I'll be safe and sound

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