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He left, just like that. I'm an idiot, I knew this could happen yet I still didn't do anything to stop it from happening and now I'm left here alone with only Luna as company. Luna wipers as she licked the tears off my cheeks, I gave her a forced smile before wiping the rest of my tears away with my sweater. I walked out to the kitchen and picked up my phone that was lying on the counter I quietly dialed my dad's number, lucky he picked up after two rings.

"Alex, are you okay. I heard what happened from Dick" Of course Jay had told it to Dick and Dick had of obviously told it to dad, I sniffed a bit before clearing my throat and answering.

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay... I just... can I stay at the manor for a while?" I asked trying not to cry, I've already shed enough tears and crying didn't help the situation.

"You don't need to ask that and you know that I'll come and pick you up in an hour," He said softly.

"Thanks, dad, I'll get packing then," I said hanging up as I leaned my back against the kitchen counter and let out a shaky breath before I went to the bedroom and took my biggest bag and packed some of my clothes and my computer and other essentials. I also packed some of my favorite pictures of dad, Alfred, and my brothers and some of my friends, but I left the pictures of me and Noah behind knowing that I would cry every time I looked at them, I also packed a small bag full of Luna's stuff. After making sure I had everything I made my way down to the street with Luna following behind me. Before I knew it I stood on the sidewalk and waited for dad to come, Luna whimpered a bit and nuzzled my leg knowing that I was sad, I crouched down while patting her head.

"It's gonna be alright girl, he just needs some time and that just what we need to give him," I said to her with a sad smile, before standing up again when I heard a familiar car horn. I looked and saw one of dads cars come around the corner before coming to a screeching halt not so far away from me. The driver's door opened and dad stepped out in a light brown sweater, a black jacket, and dark blue jeans. He quickly jogged over to me and hugged me, I hugged him back straight away as I could feel more tears gathering in my eyes. I don't know for how long we stood there, all I know is that I felt safe. I don't even remember getting in the car but know where I was. The car ride was mostly silent thankfully, dad knew I didn't want to talk about it so he didn't bring it up. I thought back on what had happened and how it came to be this way.


It was just a stupid argument, you know one of those arguments that are just started over the smallest things, hell I couldn't even remember what it was about anymore. But everyone knows that even the smallest things can create the biggest problems.

"Well, I'm sorry I'm not like the other guys!" He yelled angrily at me across the living room.

"Oh ho hoo, don't even go there!" I screamed at him, pissed that he changed the subject like that, playing the victim again "You should know best that I would never Never compare you

to anyone else!"

"Oh please you're just like any other girl, you're probably drooling over those heroes in secret, you would just love to have a proper man like Nightwing instead of me!"

"I could never think of my brother in that way or any other hero for that matter, that's disgusting!" I yelled back not even realizing the words coming out of my mouth before it way too late. I put my hands over my mouth in shock as I saw his face morph into that of surprise and then into furious anger.

"What," He asked quietly as he slowly made his way towards me, making me stumble backward.

"What did you say," He asked in the same scary tone, as I backed away more and more from him. But me not answering apparently made him angrier. "WHAT!" he yelled as he slammed his fist into the table beside him making the lamp on it shake before it fell down and broke into pieces and making me wince in fear. He saw this and stumbled backward turning around so I faced his back, I slowly got up from the floor and walked towards him, reaching out to put his hand on his shoulder but stopped midway and pulling my hand back.

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