Telling Him. 23

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Alexis Pov.

At five in the very early morning, I was woken up by the Titans stupid crime alarm. While the others were out fighting crime I made some waffles and cut some fruit and set it out for them when they got back. When I was done eating my breakfast I put my dishes in the dishwasher and made my way back to my room where I packed my stuff and wrote a little letter telling them that I had gone home because I needed to finish some work for school. As I began driving home I thought of what I saw last night, after the vision, I called a very grumpy Laura and explained the situation and we both agreed to meet at the Coffee Bean and talk about it when I got back to Gotham. When I arrived back at the manor I found dad sitting in the living room reading something on his iPad.

"I'm home"

I simply said only getting a slight hum in response, I just sighed and went to my room and shut the door. I logged onto my laptop and started to do some school work before meeting Laura. After about an hour I stretched out and got ready when I arrived at the Coffee Bean I saw Laura sitting on the couch in the back(drinking what a presumed to be her much-loved tea)talking to someone who's back was turned towards me. When I came closer I realized who it was but before I could ask why they were here I was attacked in a giant hug.

"Alex I've missed you sooo~ much!"

Katrina exclaimed. I looked behind her and saw Marco sitting on the couch in the process of stealing one of the cookies on Kats plate and quickly stuffed it into his mouth and gave me a little wave.

"What are you two doing here?"

I asked clearly surprised since they had said they had a lot of work to do and couldn't come.

"I came for the 20 dollars you owe me" Marco said after he had swallowed the stolen cookie, Kat just hit him in the back of his head in response.

"Laura called and said that you needed our advice or something"

I looked at Laura in betrayal mouthing a clear why. I didn't want to tell them and get them dragged into this mess, a mess mind you I haven't even told my family about.

"Tell them, Alex, they might be able to help you more than I can"

I just sighed and looked over at them and just saw a very confused Marco and an excited Kat. Maybe she was right, I mean don't get me wrong I love Laura but sometimes she can be a bit... unemotional, not intensely just at times she didn't understand because she couldn't put herself in the other person's shoes. But she was still great at giving advice and in this situation she's right, if they hate me for it then screw them sure it will hurt and I'll be sad but then that just means they weren't so good friends as I thought they were beside I could get better friends but I'm stuck with the family I have(besides I couldn't ask for a better one). So I sat down and explained what had been going on, Marco was a bit skeptical while Kat gave me another life crushing hug.

"Tell Alfred"

I immediately broke the hug and looked at Marco who could instantly see my confusion and horror.

"Alfred is the calmest person in the world, not to mention the most understanding. He'll listen and can probably help you a little more than we can in this"

"But what if he gets mad that I didn't tell him sooner, what if he says I could have saved Jason, what if he says I'm not good enough and that I've disappointed the family, what if-"

Before I could finish two hands clasped my checks making me shut up immediately as I came face to face with Kat.

"Are we even talking about the same Alfred here, the one who stayed with you up all night because you hadn't nightmare when you were younger, the one who talked with you for hours and hours because you blame yourself for your mother's death. He would never do that and don't ever think your a disappointment to your family anyone would be lucky as hell to have you as a daughter or sister"

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