Dirty Pig. 20

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Alexis's Pov.

"Miss Alex can you please take the cake out of the oven, I believe it's had quite enough"

"Sure thing Al"

I replied as I walked over and put on the muffs and took out the cake. Alfred and I were baking snacks for the get together I was having with the others and... Oliver. As Alfred started to put the icing on the cake when we heard the buzzing sound that comes when someone presses the intercom that's outside by the gate since it could only be opened from the inside.

"Don't worry Al I'll get it"

Alfred nodded and continued. I walked into the entrance and buzzed them in, I opened the door and stood in the doorway and waited for them to come. I saw Linda's car, Linda was one of Katrina's moms. I ran down to greet them and was immediately pulled into a huge hug by Kat.

"Happy late birthday Alex"

"Eh Kat you might want to let her breath" Marco said while giggling.


I whispered slowly readying myself for the oncoming death by suffocation. She quickly let me go so I could breathe and say hi to the others.

"Hi Linda" I said waving to her inside the car.

"Hello Alex, I know it was your birthday a few days ago but happy birthday anyway"

"Thanks, and don't worry there will not be any alcohol or drugs"

"Oh, honey I know. You kids have always avoided those sorts of thing so I trust you"

She said smiling sweetly at me before giving a pointed glare at Kat, Marco, and Laura. Kat looked shamefully at the ground and Marco looked embarrassed while Laura just shrugged with a small smile, and then there was me who was just confused as to what the hell they had done to feel the wrath of Linda. Linda waved goodbye and drove off and we made our way inside where Alfred had finished icing the cake and had come to greet the others.

"Hi, Alfred!"

Kat said as she ran over and hugged the older gentlemen who just gently parted her head with a smile. Kat let go and ran over to greet Dad who had heard all the commotion from his office and came down to greet everyone.

"Hello everyone it's nice to see you all could make it"

"Of course we would come to mister Wayne, we wouldn't miss it if the world"

Kat said excitedly.

"Thanks for letting us come to mister Wayne" Said Laura as calmly as ever.

"Well, there's no way I wouldn't allow Alex to celebrate with her friends. Now I sadly have a business meeting to attend to but Alfred will be here if you need anything, but I trust you not to make any trouble or set the manor on fire"

We just chuckled and nodded in response as we walked into the living room.

"So do you know when the devil is gonna come?"

Asked Marco as he slung himself into the couch but quickly sat up properly when he was slapped in the back of the head by Laura who walked over and sat down in one of the very comfortable chairs.

"Well I gave him the right time and the address so he should be here by now, but hey I'm not gonna complain if he doesn't come"

I said putting my hands up before sitting down on the couch beside Marco while Kat took a spot on the stool connected to the couch. We were talking for about half an hour before Alfred came back and went to prepare dinner while we just went back to our conversation.

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