The First Robin. 10

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The best revenge is to be unlike him who preformed the injury.
Marcus Aurelius.

Alexis's Pov.

Dick came into the main hall with Alfred right behind him. As he looked around in awe his eye eventually landed on me, i just gave a smile and a little wave. He then gave a big smile back, seems like he remembered me. Alfred just took Dick's bags to go put them in his new room.

"Hi Dick, it's been awhile. I'm Alexis but just call me Alex, it's nice to see you again"

"Yeah, it's nice to see you again too, and thanks for being there for me"

I really just wanted to give him a hug, if you're asking why i just don't hug him again like i did when we sat in the ambulance, well he was in shock back then so he didn't really understand or know what was happening around him, to put it in a more understandable way he was still in too much shock to realize what was going on around him. But i knew that he was uncomfortable, so i'm just gonna do my best to make sure that he's happy, after all i am his new big sister.

"Hello Dick it's nice good to see you again"

I looked up and saw dad walking down the stairs with a smile.

"Mister Wayne, thanks again for all of this"

Dick said, dad just gave a chuckled and walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder as Alfred also came back down and stood on the other side.

"Please Dick just call me Bruce, and please if you ever need anything or ever need to talk, we are always willing to listen"

Dick looked at us in surprise and it looked like he was about to cry and said while stuttering

"T-thank you so mu-much"

"Don't thank us Dick, you're a part the family now. I know that we can never ever replace your parents but we are gonna make sure that you'll never be alone"

And that's when tears began falling down his face as he ran over to us and hugged onto me crying into my shoulder, dad went down on his knee and hugged both of us while i just saw Alfred standing not so far behind dad with a camera pointed at us and a happy smile.

~Timeskip 3 months later~

It's been three month since Dick came to the manor and to be honest thing were going great. The first week was the hardest since he had nightmares every night, but me and dad would normally calm him down, but sometimes when dad was out on his "night job" and it was only me, Alfred and Dick i would just hug him while petting his hair and singing a little song that would always make him fall asleep. But when he did fell asleep he would usually have a strong grip on me so i couldn't get back to my room, so i would just stay in his room. He was always so embarrassed when we woke up, the first time it happened he wouldn't stop apologizing even though i kept saying that it was okay. But after awhile he would start getting less nightmares which was of course great, however now he was growing more and more suspicious of dad since he would usually see him disappear after dinner, me and Alfred would just usually just make up an excuse but there is only so many times you can give the same lie like "Oh, he just had a late night meeting" or "He just has some paperwork he has to finish", besides Dick was a smart kid he would figure it out sooner or later we knew that.

And that's what happened today, Dick found out. It just started out like any other day.


Yeah, Dick was definitely getting better, both me and dad found out that he was a prankster. He got us both, he couldn't get Alfred though when he tried, it backfired and he was the one covered in glitter gel, both me and dad got a good chuckle out of that, and yes he did prank dad as well as to how he did, i have no idea but dad did get revenge on him. Alfred actually told me that dad did a few pranks on him when he was younger and that's how he knew how to avoid Dicks pranks. As to what was happening right now, well Dick put baking powder in my hair-dryer and when i walked out of my bathroom there was a trip wire and it released a little catapult of pink slime on me. So now my head is fully covered in baking powder and from my neck and down to my feet i was covered in pink slim and i just had a shower so to say i was pissed would be an understatement.

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