Holly-Jolly Christmas. 14

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Christmas is a season not only for rejoicing but reflection.
Winston Churchill.

Alexis's Pov.

Christmas the most holly jolly time of year, well for most people I never really had an amazing Christmas well not at the orphanage and don't even get me started on the foster homes. All in all the only nice Christmas I remember(before I moved in with dad)was when my mother was alive. However ever since Dick became a part of this family I have tried to make every Christmas the best Christmas ever and so far I have succeeded... I hope. But lately Dick has been spending a lot of time going out with friends after school and patrolling a lot more, not that i mind so much it's just i wish i could spend a little more time with him.

"Morning dad"

I said as i walked into the kitchen walking over to the fridge and pulling out some orange juice and poured some into a glass. Dad was sitting at the kitchen counter with his ipad probably checking on somethings with the company.

"Goodmorning Alex, Alfred made some breakfast earlier and put a plate for you and Dick in the fridge "

He said smiling at me and then looking back down at his ipad. I went back and looked in the fridge.

"Speaking of Dick, where is he, he's usually up by now?"

"We were out on patrol pretty late last night and it drained him out to much and since it's saturday i thought it would be okay if he slept a little longer"

I just nodded and took one of the plates out of the fridge and sat down by the counter and started eating.

"Hey dad have you noticed that Dick has become a little more distant lately?"

He looked up from the ipad.

"Yes, but I'm afraid I don't know why"

"Hmm... i'm gonna try talking to him, maybe then i'll find out what's bothering him"

Dad just nodded and went back to his ipad. I put my now empty plate in the dishwasher and took out the other plate of breakfast to Dick and made my way to his room. I carefully knocked on his door but didn't get a reply so i slowly opened the door and went in. He was of course sleeping witch is why he didn't hear me knock, that was one thing i quickly found out when he moved into the manor he's a heavy sleeper. I sat the plate on his bedside table and sat on the edge of his bed trying gently to shake him awake.

"Five more minutes"

He said sleepily, i just smiled.

"Well then i guess i just have to get the bucket of ice water~"

I said in a singing voice, that woke him really fucking quickly.

"I'm up!!"

He yelled out immediately sitting straight up in his king sized bed with his mob of bed hair that was pointing in all directions. I just let out a chuckle grabbing his attention.

"That was really mean" He said glaring at me.

"Well it worked didn't it"

I said still chuckling a bit. He just turned his back to me and ignored me, i smiled and took the plate from the night stand.

"Oh come on you can't ignore me forever, especially not when i have a plate of Alfred's special made breakfast"

He initially turned around and tried to take the plate but i just moved it higher so he couldn't reach it.


"What's the word?" I said still holding the plate high up in the air.


I slowly gave him the plate and imitiantly he started golfing it down. After a minute or two of eating without taking a break to breath he was done.

"Did you even get to taste any of the food before you swallowed it?"

I asked quietly as i was shaking my head, not really intinting him to hear me.

"Not that i'm not happy that you gave me breakfast in bed, but why are you here?"

"Oh right. Well lately you have been quite... distant"

His eyes widened a bit before he looked down at bed.

"I just wanted to know why, because honestly your starting to worry me" We sat in silence a bit after that.

"It's nothing, you don't need to start worrying" He was clearly lying.

"It's not nothing Dick. Just tell me so i can help you please" He just shook his head.


"Dick please"


"Dick please i'm worried and dad is starting to be worried to. You know you can trust us, we just wanna help"

"I said NO!"

He yelled out looking up with tears streaming down his face.

"Okay, i'm sorry i didn't mean to push you. I'm gonna go and give you some time alone"

I said sadly and got up. I took the empty plate and walked to the door.

"I just want you to know that you can talk to me no matter what"

I said as i walked out the door closing it quietly behind me. I leaned against the wall, i knew i shouldn't have pushed him on the subset but i did it anyway. I should have just left it alone until he came to me, and now i fucked it up.

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