Luna. 26

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I positively sure that i'm breaking the speed limit, by a lot. Not that i cared for the speed limit at the moment, right now the only thing on my mind was to get to the manor as fast as possible. After dad had told me i ended the call and ran out and barely had time to get my jacket and boots on before storming out of my apartment. Jason and Dick had told me that they would be fine and understood that i needed to go and that they would make sure to lock the apartment. I arrived at the manor in record time as i hurried out of my car and ran through the rain and up to the front door where Alfred opened for me and stepped aside so i could run right in. I ran into the living room where i saw Tim sitting with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, a cup of chocolate was standing on the table in front of him which probably use to be hot but was clearly forgotten and had gotten cold. He just sat there staring into the ground with his hair covering his eyes. Dad was sitting beside him with an arm around him in comfort. Dad looked at me with a sad expression before slowly shaking his head to my unspoken question.

"Oh Tim" I said in a soft and comforting tone hoping to get his attention which i did, but my heart was broken when i saw his face. His lips was formed in a straight line and his eyes, oh god his eyes had little to no emotion in them. I walked over and sat beside him and opened my arms, he slowly leaned over onto my arms and hugged me around my waist before he started crying into my stomach. I bent my head down and kissed the top of his head as i rubbed his back and petted his hair. He cried so much and for so long and eventually cried himself to sleep in my arms, after all he was just a 10 year old kid. Dad went down to the cave to try and find Captain Boomerang and put him in Arkham for good. When Tim woke up again he would properly want to get revenge, not that i blame him for wanting revenge, i never blamed Dick for wanting to get revenge nor did i blame Jason for wanting to get revenge on the Joker for killing him. These feelings were normal to get when we are hurt, no matter who you are the important part is how you react to them. Some go through with them and feel better, some go through with them and feel worse, some ignore them and continue on with their lives ignoring the time bomb of feelings inside them, and other break down and never truly heal. Dads, Alfreds and my job is to guide them so they wouldn't end up like any of those people, Alfred had helped dad, dad had helped me and now i helped my younger brothers, and i would do it all again in a heartbeat if i could. Alfred came in with a cup of coffee for me so i could stay awake and not long after Dick came, he told me that Jason had left to go and "fuck some shit up" and had giving his phone number to Dick who gave it to me.

Dick and me sat and quietly talked for awhile as to not wake Tim up. After about two hours Tim started to wake up, he was a little confused at first before remembering what had happened, Dick hugged him(although not so tightly so he couldn't breath)and Tim just hugged back not saying a word. Me and Dick made eye contact both worried and cusius as to what was gonna happen next.


Of course i was right, after Tim woke up he wanted revenge. All of us had prepared for it, specially dad. They went out and found Captain Boomerang and arrested him and put him in Arkham with a lot of new injuries covering his body, most from Tim. It's been a month, and he was doing a lot better dad had officially adopted him making him an official member of the family, in turn making the media go all crazy as to who was the hiiar to the Wayne fortune. It also made me realizing that three of the boys from my dream had become Robin and had become part of this crazy family, which only left one young boy from my dream.

"I remember he was definitely the youngest of all four of them, but he also had a lot of resemblance to dad" I said to Laura as we sat drinking coffee at the Coffee Bean waiting for Noah to arrive. After Laura had come back i told her what had happened and of course she was shocked especially at the part where i told her about my dad and brothers being superheroes, yeah i told her about that it was only fair not to mention she found a selfie of me and Dick in his Robin uniform from when he was younger and i couldn't lie to her. Dad was kind of pissed at first but eventually understood and declared it okay as long as she didn't say it to anyone else which he had made her promise with a level ten bat glare and a treat to ruin her both financially.

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