They Talk to you about Their Past

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This one took a lot of research. I's basically their biographies XD


Arthur hadn't told you every detail about his past since he didn't want you to think any differently of him, but you knew the basics of where he came from. But one night Arthur decided to tell you everything. He started by telling you about his parents, about how his mother died when he was very young and that his father was a petty criminal and outlaw who was arrested when Arthur was only 11. Then he told you about how he witnessed his father's death, then about how he met Dutch and Hosea. He was a little hesitant about the next part but he told you about Eliza and their son, Isaac. He had been ashamed to tell you about that part of his life because he had messed it up so badly, but you assured him that all of that was in his past and that none of it changed how you felt about him. Everyone made mistakes and stupid decisions, what was important is that Arthur learnt from those experiences.


Dutch didn't really see any reason to hide his past from you, so when you innocently asked him about his past he told you honestly. He told you about his father's death and about how he never really got along with his mother, so he left home when he was 15. He explained that his mother died a few years after he left home and that he only found out from an uncle of his. He told you about his early life of crime and his "odd" partnership with Colm O'Driscoll before he met Hosea. He spoke of his meeting with Hosea fondly, making you laugh when he told you that they met when they both tried to rob each other. Dutch wasn't ashamed of anything that happened in his past, you had asked him about his past and he wanted to be honest, he wanted you to know everything.


Micah acted like he shared information with the gang but it was a manipulated truth. He would tell people about how bad-ass his father was and about all the awful things he did alongside his father and brother, but he never told them the whole truth. It took a very long time but he finally opened up to you. he had a few drinks in him when he told you the reality of his past. Yes, he wasn't lying about the awful things that he and his family did but now he was telling you about how his father treated him and his brother. Telling you the full extent of his father's cruelty and how he had attempted to stay in touch with his brother, but Amos didn't want anything to do with him for good reasons. Micah didn't want your comfort or your pity, he just wanted to be honest with you because you were always honest with him. He knew that he lack of communication would bother you sometimes so he told you everything, you were the only person he trusted enough to tell.


Charles didn't think that anything about his past was shameful but he didn't talk about it too much, but he loved you and wanted to share his past with you. Charles told you about his life in his mother's tribe, parts of it making you smile. But it took a turn when he told you about how his mother was captured by soldiers and was never seen again, this happened a few years after the US army drove the tribe away. After his mother's kidnapping, his father fell into a depression and turned to alcoholism. He told you that he was only 13 when he ran away and began to wander the country alone, until he joined the gang in 1898. Now you knew why he was such a veteran survivalist. You listened intently before telling him that the gang was lucky to have him, he did more for the gang than people probably realised.


You had always been curious about Javier's past in Mexico and why he came to America, he seemed to miss Mexico so you wondered why his left. You asked him and he decided to tell you everything, it wanted to share it with you. So Javier told you about his time in Mexico, starting with his childhood and the horrors that he witnessed, ending with how he was a notorious bounty hunter and revolutionary who was fighting against a corrupt system. You had to admit that you admired him for that. Then, to protect his loved ones, he fled to America. When he arrived in America he spoke no English and was basically feeble and starved. He told you about how he met Dutch, a funny little story about how they were both trying to steal some chickens. Dutch fed and clothed him before offering him a place in the gang. Now you could understand why Javier was so loyal to Dutch.

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