You are Heavily Tattooed

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Request: You have a lot of tattoos and they see them for the first time. All of your tattoos are placed so that they are hidden under your clothing and not visible.


Arthur is a little taken back when he first sees your tattoos, that is a lot of tattoos, it's almost impressive. He doesn't ask about them at first, he doesn't what you to think that he is prying, but he eventually asks. And he will listen to the meaning behind every single one of them, coming to understand why you loved your tattoos so much. It's probably not even a conscious action but Arthur starts sketching your tattoos in his journal. Nobody else would know what the little drawings were but you do, he does and he loves them. One day he leaves his journal open and you see some designs that he did himself, when you come back to the camp, dragging Arthur to his tent to show him your new tattoo (the design from his journal) he completely melts.


Dutch has to do a double take, what are these? You can see that he is surprised and it makes you chuckle. Suddenly, he just wants to see more of your tattoos, asking you about them and asking you why you didn't tell him about them. He's never really found tattoos very attractive, they were just whatever to him, but he was quickly starting to like them. As he learns more about them, he falls more in love with them. He will caress and trace them when you are laying together, he will trail kisses over them.


Micah quirks an eyebrow at you when he first sees them, why didn't you ever mention the fact that you were covered in tattoos under those clothes? He likes them more than he leads you to believe. He pretends to be mostly indifferent to them but you often catch him looking at them, touching them. He asks more questions about them when he's had a drink or two, wanting to know more about why you got them in the first place. Micah has to admit to himself that they make you look kinda tough and bad-ass, he could see himself growing fond of them.


Charles is surprised when he first sees them, since you never mentioned tattoos at all, but he grows fond of them pretty quickly. He definitely likes them. He prefers them if they have a story or a meaning behind them, and he is interested in hearing every reason behind your tattoos. He has an incredible memory for your tattoos apparently, he remembers every story and meaning behind them. He can appreciate the reasons behind getting them and admires the art work of them. All in all, he's a fan.


Javier actually makes a 'huh' sound when he first sees them. Neither of you speak for a little while, you couldn't speak but he probably wouldn't even hear you. He is busy examining each one, it was a pleasant surprise. His finger tips trace the ink so delicately, it sends a shiver up your spine. You might have to break him out of his trace, they are just so interesting. He prefers the more intricate ones. He falls even more in love with them when you tell him the meanings behind him.


When Sean first sees your tattoos, his eyes go wide. Of course he is surprised, he wasn't expecting to see your body covered in so much ink but he doesn't dislike it. He partly forgets that you're even there, his hands are on you, tracing the lines of the tattoos and getting up close to examine them. You might have to push him away or bat his hands away while laughing. Sean is fascinated by them and he gets distracted by them really easily. He will lose himself in the middle of talking when he spots a tattoo that he didn't notice before, he just loves them. Insists on knowing the story, meaning or reason behind every one of them.


Hosea pauses at first, simply surprised and curious. He hadn't been expecting tattoos, you hadn't mentioned them before. You hadn't mentioned tattoos at all, so he wasn't expecting you to have some. Hosea doesn't have any strong opinions on tattoos but slowly comes to admire yours as he learns more about them. When he starts to learn the stories or meanings behind each one, he comes to admire, appreciate, and love them.


When Kieran first sees the tattoos, he isn't too sure what to think. He doesn't really have a strong opinion on them but he loves you and they are a part of you so he loves them. As he gets used the the ink on your skin, he starts to fall in love with each individual tattoo. Kieran loves to trace the tattoos when you are laying together, it relaxes him. He will eventually that to ask questions about them, wanting to know why you got each one of them. He's never seen somebody with so many tattoos before, he thinks they are fascinated.


John finds himself a little speechless when he first sees your tattoos, he wasn't expecting them but he's instantly intrigued. He looks at you, asking you why you never mentioned it and you just shrugged, you hadn't really kept it a secret on purpose, it just never came up. He stops talking about them for a while, not wanting to ask too many questions, but he eventually can't stop himself. He has to know more about them, more about you. So, yes, he is interested in learning the stories about them.


When Bill first sees your tattoos, he pauses for a moment, just making sure that he wasn't seeing things. He doesn't comment on them at first, not sure whether he should. He doesn't know why, it just feels personal so he doesn't say anything. So his questions go unasked for a while. But he does think about them often. Finally he asks, with the encouragement of a few drinks, he asks you what they all mean, why you go so many tattoos. And he listens, he listens to each story and attempts to commit them to memory, he's learning about you and he loves that. Will definitely forget the stories (at least some of them) but loves when you tell them to him again anyway.


Lenny's eyes go wide at the sight of your tattoos when he first sees them, that was very unexpected. He pauses, taking them all in. With the way he is looking at you, you worry that he doesn't like them but he instantly puts those thoughts to rest. He smiles, telling you that they're amazing, asking you why you didn't tell him about them sooner. He's never seen anything quite like it and it's wonderful. His favourites are based on the stories behind them, he prefers the ones that are related to more happy memories.


Leopold is certainly surprised when he first sees your tattoos. At first he isn't sure whether he likes them or not, but he would never tell you that. You would probably say that he was an old man and didn't understand. It just takes him a moment to get used to them, that's all. Once he starts to get used to them, having time to admire each individual tattoo, listening to you explain the stories behind them, he falls in love with them. Now he adores them and wouldn't change them for the world, they are a part of you and tell the story of your life. How couldn't he love them?


Sadie adores them. She surprised at first, only because you didn't say anything about having tattoos or even wanting to get a tattoo. She has a smile on her face as she tells you that you should have told her or shown her earlier, they are amazing. They are just so you, so of course she loves them. Thinks that you must be pretty tough to get all that ink done, it impresses her a little bit. All in all, she loves them and is totally on board of you want to get more. When you tell her the meaning behind each one, she loves them even more.


Josiah wishes you would show them off more. At first he is surprised, not having expected you to be covered in tattoos but he likes them all the same. He starts trying to encourage you to roll up your sleeves when you're doing chores around the camp, show off the tattoos on your arms. He tries to convince you leave just one more button of your shirt open, let that tattoo on your chest peck out just a little bit. He loves you and he loves the tattoos, and he wants to show it all off, show everyone just how lucky he is. You are a piece of art with art all over you, it couldn't be more wonderful!


Orville is looking at you in awe (he does that with or without tattoos). Sure, he's seen tattoos before, he's seen rather large tattoos before, but this is a step further. You're nearly covered in different tattoos, some bigger, some smaller, and he finds himself loving every single one of them. He loves you, so of course he loves them. Duh. He appreciates that they all have a meaning as well, that they aren't just random. He likes that. He finds that tracing them relaxes and soothes him, he says that it focuses the mind.


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