You are Their Daughter and You Get Your First Period

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Arthur knows about periods, obviously, he knows the basics of how women handle them but isn't an expert of it. He probably gets all red and embarrassed as he asks one of the women he trusts, making sure to explain that it's so he can help and explain it to you. He's not grossed out by it, it's just not something that people talk about. At least one of them women would understand and kindly tell him everything that he needs to know to support you when that time comes, saying that he could always bring you to them if you have any questions. He is very thankful. Does a relatively good job at explaining it to you and preparing you for it. You are his kid and he will do anything for you, even if it causes him embarrassment.


Does he know everything about periods? Probably not, but he knows enough to help his daughter when that time comes. He's aware of it, tells you about it so it isn't some sort of awful surprise. He wants you to be able to talk about it with him, to tell him when you get your first one. He doesn't get uncomfortable when you tell him, he was ready for this! He does handle it pretty well, you couldn't complain about it. He does spoil you a little bit, even more than he usually does. It's not the most pleasant time, so he wants to make it as easy for you as possible.


Micah loves you, he really does, you're his daughter and nobody is more important to him. However 'women issues' have never been something he was interested in. He doesn't think it's gross, it's just blood, right? But thinks that it's got nothing to do with him so he won't get involved. Miss Grimshaw is probably the first to talk about periods with you, seeing that you were reaching that age range and that you needed to know. When you approached your father about it, Micah sighs.'s time? Mostly doesn't like it because it means that you're growing up. But he comes around and mans up (so to speak) and discusses it with you. He doesn't really know much about it all but tries his best. Any of the women would be more helpful but Micah is there to support you and help you. He is ready to learn...reluctantly.


Charles knows what he needs to know and doesn't actually have to seek advice from someone. When he thinks you're old enough, he explains everything to you, calmly and in a way that made sure you didn't get embarrassed or uncomfortable. He wants you to feel comfortable enough to tell him once that time comes. He doesn't need details, he just thinks that he should probably know about that so he can be there to support you. And he really does make you feel comfortable about it all.


Javier knows a fair bit, enough to support his daughter. He doesn't feel too awkward about talking about it. You are his daughter and one day you will (most likely) get your first period, that's just how it is and he's okay with that. Why wouldn't he be? He'll give you all the advice, preparation, information that he can. If you still have questions or anything like that, he will offer to go with you to talk to one of the women (if you don't want to go on your own). He tries to make sure that you aren't embarrassed about it and that you just know what to expect, that is what's important.


Sean isn't exactly educated on this matter. He knows what a period is but doesn't know why they happen or how women deal with them, he just knows that they happen. So he's a little hopeless when it comes to giving you any form of help or guidance when you get your first one. It's really like the blind leading the blind, you'd be better off just going to one of the women for support. However Sean does want to help. You are his daughter and you mean the world to him, he'll learn if he has to learn. He just wants to do what is best for you.


Let's be honest, other than Sadie, Hosea is probably the most prepared. He knows what to expect and has talked to you about what to expect. Already has a concise 10 step plan for what to do when the time comes. Hosea makes sure that you are educated on the matter, that you feel comfortable and safe, and most importantly you don't feel embarrassed to talk to him about it and seek out his help. He is right there for you, very supportive and comforting. Will do anything to help you.


Talking about periods definitely would have made Kieran all flustered and embarrassed but not so much now that he has a daughter. It's become less of a taboo thing that you shouldn't think about to a fact of life that he needs to explain to you. It helps him get over that awkwardness. He isn't the most educated on the matter but will learn what he has too and will tell you what you need to know, asking one of the women in the camp to talk to you if he felt a little out of his depth. When that time does come for the first time, Kieran is caring and sympathetic. He knows that you can't be feeling too great and he wants to help.


John knows that he doesn't know all that much about periods, he just knows what they are. He knows that he probably doesn't have enough information to give his daughter. But he is going to try. He probably seeks some advice from Hosea, more of how to approach you about it. Hosea gives him some advice, Grimshaw gives him all the information he should pass on to you. John does sit down with you and talks about it, telling you that Miss Grimshaw will talk to you about it if you would rather talk with a woman. When the time does actually come and you get your first period, he considers himself ready and tries his absolute best to support you.


Similar to Micah, he doesn't really know much about it and doesn't talk about it. Has a very 'if you just ignore it, it will go away' kind of mindset. Like Micah, Grimshaw is probably the first person to discuss it with you, then telling Bill to grow up and deal with it. Bill loves you and cares about you more than anything, and he does try to prepare you and support you. My advice is to seek out help from the women or ask the women questions, and pretend that Bill is being useful. He. Is. Trying.


You are Lenny's number one priority, he knew that he would have to handle this or discuss this with you one day so he made sure that he was ready. He will definitely make sure that you know everything that you need to know and have everything you need for when the time does come. He isn't really embarrassed about talking about it. Even if he is, he hides it because he doesn't want you to be embarrassed about it. He knows that it's nothing to be embarrassed about.


Leopold has a fair share of knowledge in this area, just the same knowledge that most people would have. He doesn't get embarrassed or awkward when talking about, he just needs to give you the information so that you understand what is happening when the time comes. He is pretty calm and collected with the whole thing. He is also calm when that time does come, he just handles the whole thing rather well. Not making a big deal out of it but tending to any concerns or questions you may have.


Unsurprisingly, Sadie is the best at handling this whole thing. She makes sure that you know what to expect, when it might happen, how it all works, how to handle it when it does happen. She makes sure that it isn't a scary experience, that you feel comfortable and safe when it comes to talking about it with her. Sadie's just the best because she's the most experienced and educated on the matter, she can sympathise with you the most, there isn't much more to say.


Josiah isn't very embarrassed or awkward about this, it's just something that happens and you need to know about it. It was as simple as that. He would talk to you about it sensibly, making sure that you didn't get embarrassed about it, he assured you that there was no need to be embarrassed. When that time does finally come, Josiah is very considerate. He spoils you even more than usual. You are his daughter and he treats you like a princess, during this time he just does it more so. He knows that you mustn't be very happy right now and wants to make it better in whatever way he can.


Orville knew that he would have to discuss this with you as soon as he had a daughter. He wasn't embarrassed or awkward when he explained the whole thing to you, hoping that it would help you not be embarrassed about it. He was your father and he wanted you to be able to confide in him and be honest about when this time eventually comes around. Of course, he doesn't want you to feel the need to tell him every month, just the first time so that he knows what is happening with his child. It's all about your well-being to Orville.


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