You are Insecure About Your Stretch Marks

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They react to you (their crush) being chubby and insecure about your stretch marks.


When you confessed about being insecure about your stretch marks, Arthur just wanted to make everything better but had no idea how to do so. It's something that he connects with. He knows what it's like to feel insecure, he can be very self deprecating. However, he doesn't understand how you can feel insecure. You're beautiful, he thinks you're absolutely wonderful, why can you not see that? He knows better than to just ignore your insecurities, he can't have you believing that about yourself. He'll tell you that you've got it all wrong, that he thinks you are beautiful and wouldn't change anything about you. The two of you end up a little flustered at his confession but it does make you feel better.


When you confessed about being insecure about your stretch marks, Dutch was in disbelief. Well, he understands that it's something people get insecure about but he doesn't believe that you have anything to be insecure about. He is very honest about how he sees you, telling you that he thinks you are gorgeous. He has never been shy with his feelings for you. He takes your hands in his, being his charming self as he tells you how he sees you. Dutch will show you exactly how beautiful he thinks you are, if you will allow him.


When you confessed about being insecure about your stretch marks, Micah doesn't know what to say. Nobody has been comfortable enough around him to willingly confess an insecurity of theirs before, so this is new. But he's a little proud that you trusted him with that information. He isn't good at comforting people and has never had to reassure someone over something they are insecure about, but he will try for you. He doesn't like that you think anything bad about yourself. He straight up tells you that he doesn't care about stretch marks, that they don't mean anything to him. The only way he really knows how to show you how he feels about you and how beautiful he actually thinks you are is physically or through somewhat inappropriate comments or compliments, he's not the best at communicating.


When you confessed about being insecure about your stretch marks, Charles is quick to reassure you. He doesn't usually talk much but he's always talked more to you than anyone else. He is surprisingly calm as he tells you that you have nothing to worry about, that they don't make you any less beautiful. He'll just say how scars, blemishes, marks, whatever it may be, they are a part of you and therefore are beautiful as well. This man is able to make you blush and make you feel better in a matter of seconds with few words and sounding completely casual the whole time. You know that Charles isn't a liar so you have no reason to not believe him.


When you confessed about being insecure about your stretch marks, Javier will drop anything he is doing. This is more important. He can't have you thinking badly of yourself for even a second. Javier is charming and smooth and that doesn't change now. The words barely leave your lips before he is correcting you, telling you that you are absolutely stunning and should never worry about your appearance in anyway. He will not leave or let you leave until you believe what he is telling you. He promises you that a few stretch marks wouldn't bother anyone, he promises you that a few stretch marks would never change his opinion of you. You're still you and you're still beautiful, he doesn't care about that sort of thing.


When you confessed about being insecure about your stretch marks, Sean is in a state of shock. He thinks that you're absolutely gorgeous and always tells you that! Then you confess that you though he was only joking? Now he feels bad. How could you think that he was joking? Of course he think's that you are absolutely beautiful! He gets a little more serious, promising you that he had never joked about anything like that. He truly thinks that you are beautiful. It's rare to hear Sean so sincere and it almost brings tears to your eyes. He realises that all the time he's been flirting with you, you thought he was just joking around, he knew it was time to convince you that he meant every word.

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