Getting Caught doing Something Embarrassing

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You Catch Them Doing Something Embarrassing:

Arthur is adorable, shy and his face turning bright red. You couldn't help but chuckle, but he knew that you didn't actually mean any harm by it. He mumbles to explain himself, making you chuckle some more. You've got to give him a hug and a quick kiss to reassure him, after that he can only smile at you. He turns red if you were to mention it again or tease him about it.

They Catch You Doing Something Embarrassing:

Arthur has a little laugh about it but apologises pretty quickly, knowing that he would hate it if the roles were reversed. Arthur won't mention it again, he doesn't want to make you feel more embarrassed than you already are. However, he might make a small, amused, journal entry about it. Just to make him chuckle when he's flicking through his journal at a later date.


You Catch Them Doing Something Embarrassing:

You catch Dutch doing embarrassing things more often than he would let people believe. You are the only person he is okay with seeing him doing embarrassing things, only you and Hosea. You and Hosea share a lot of stories about embarrassing things that either of you have caught Dutch doing. You know better than to tease Dutch about it while in public but you can tease him when you're both alone, he gets a little sulky but quickly gets over it when you show him some love and affection.

They Catch You Doing Something Embarrassing:

Dutch has a little chuckle about it but apologises if you are really embarrassed about it, pulling you into an embrace and kissing your temple to make it up to you. He doesn't really tease you about it, to be honest, he doesn't really think about it very much. He only mentions it again if he thought it was kinda cute or something, plus he does like to see you blush.


You Catch Them Doing Something Embarrassing:

Micah will pretty much threaten you, telling you not to tell anyone about this. If you ever mention it again, he will get all mad and will sulk about it, he will just ignore you for the rest of the day. Get's annoyed if you laugh about it, even if you try to explain that you aren't laughing at him. The best thing to do is to just forget about it.

They Catch You Doing Something Embarrassing:

Even though he would really hate it if you did the same thing, Micah has complete double standards around these sorts of things. He'll tease you about it, bringing it up when he wants to get you flustered. He finds it amusing and will probably hold it over your head for a few days, however long it seems to get a reaction from you. However, he will instantly shut up if you bring up something embarrassing that he did.


You Catch Them Doing Something Embarrassing:

It's very rare that you catch Charles doing something embarrassing, so it's kind of amazing when you do. It's rare that you get to see him embarrassed or flustered so it is definitely an experience. Of course you wouldn't hold it over his head, that would be cruel. He wouldn't get mad about you having a chuckle about it, he knows that you mean no harm. He is a sensible person and moves on from it pretty quickly. If you ever try to tease him about it, he just shakes his head at you.

They Catch You Doing Something Embarrassing:

Charles might have a small laugh about it but if you are clearly embarrassed, he makes sure that you're alright and tells you that you don't need to be embarrassed around him. He won't tease you about it for long but maybe once or twice, chuckling when you groan and bury your face in his chest so that he can't see your flustered face. He wouldn't dare mention it if he knew that it really bothered you.

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