Micah Bell: Afraid Part 2

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Micah Bell X Female Reader

Summary: Micah has to confront his feelings for you when you refuse to ignore how strange he's been acting.

Word Count: 3700

You felt yourself slowly waking up, feeling a little disorientated but you soon remembered where you were. You were in a run down building in Colter, on Micah's bedroll, under two blankets, and wrapped in Micah's warm embrace.

You knew that you should have pulled away from him and gotten up, but you didn't. You could feel the freezing cold air waiting for you to leave the warmth and safety of your current position, so you stayed exactly where you were.

However, you did open your eyes and looked up at the man you were sharing a bedroll with. He was still asleep, an actually peaceful expression on his face. You had never seen Micah look peaceful before, you almost felt honoured to be able to see him like this. You felt a little disappointed that you would never get to see it again.

Still not wanting to face the cold air, you returned to your previous position. You shamelessly cuddled back up against Micah, tucking your head under your chin, and letting your eyelids fall shut once again.

Eventually Micah woke up, seeing that the room was lit by the natural light coming from outside. His gaze when settled on you, still sleeping in his arms, and he couldn't find it within himself to pull away. He didn't want to wake you up. He only got to watch you sleep, to admire your peaceful face, for a few seconds before you stirred in his arms.

Micah felt himself tense when your eyes fluttered open, your arm still wrapped around him securely.

"Morning" you mumbled as your eyes adjusted to the morning light that leaked into the building.

"Morning" Micah responded in more of a grunt.

"I don't wanna get up, I just want to stay here...it's warm" you laughed softly to yourself, still half asleep. Micah tried not to think about your words too much. Of course he would want you to stay in his arms for as long as you wished but he would never, ever, say that out loud. He also knew that you didn't really mean it, not like that anyway. "Sorry" you mumbled, feeling your face flush at your own confession. You shouldn't have said that out loud.

You reluctantly pulled away from Micah and sat up, him following your actions shortly afterwards. The two of you stood from the bedroll and straightened out your clothing.

"We should probably start heading back soon, we'll be able to get back to the camp before evening" you told him.

"Sounds good" Micah nodded, clearing his throat. You couldn't help but feel that there was some awkwardness between you both, you just hoped that it would disappear once you started heading back to he camp.

You both packed up your belongings in silence and put out the fire before heading over to the door. As soon as Micah opened the door and you stepped outside, the cold wind hit you, making you shiver.

The two of you started walking over to the barn, where the horses were. About half way to the barn, your foot hit a patch of ice, making you slip. You instinctively wrapped your arm around Micah's, your over hand gripping his sleeve, to stop yourself from falling.

Micah reacted pretty quickly, reaching out with his free arm and grabbing your arm to stop you from losing your balance anymore than you already had. You just laughed at your own clumsiness as you steadied yourself back on your feet.

Micah let go of your arm but one of your hands was still clutching onto him. Micah was truly embarrassed by how his stomach flipped when you grabbed him and how is heart fluttered when you laughed.

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