The van der Linde Gang: Family Part 6

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The van der Linde Gang & Teenage Female Reader

Summary: The van der Linde gang finds out that the Pinkertons have arrested you and have arranged your hanging. It's time for the gang to plan a rescue mission.

WARNINGS: panic attack

Word Count: 4800

You had been out of the camp for the last couple of hours but nobody was really too worried about it. You had told Dutch that you were going into town and told him when you would be back, as you had agreed to do.

However, you had assured Dutch that you would be back by midday. Now, midday was creeping closer and you weren't back at the camp yet. Still, nobody was worrying too much, you still had time to get back.

When it hit midday, the members of the camp started to worry a little since you still hadn't returned. Some had even gone to speak with Dutch, just to make sure that they had the time right.

By now, Dutch was worried but he was also trying to be sensible and reasonable. Dutch wanted to give you just a little more time to get back to the camp, you were probably riding back right now, but he couldn't help that he was worrying. It wouldn't be long before they are all out searching for you.


There were a few towns within riding distance from the gang's camp but you had decided to take a trip into the smallest. You went to the largest town often, mostly with the other members of the gang, so you chose to explore the smaller town this time. You were just enjoying the time alone.

The town was definitely simple. There was a small saloon, a general store, a gun store, a small stables, and a sheriff's office. It had the necessities but not much else. Still, it had it's own charm.

"Miss L/n" a some what familiar voice called your name from behind as you walked down the main road of the town. You glanced back over your shoulder to see who it was and your stomach dropped at the sight in front of you.

"Agent Milton, Agent Ross..." you hesitantly greeted the two men as you turned to face them, nerves running through your body.

"Are you in town with some of your...friends?" Agent Milton asked, saying the word 'friends' pretty condescendingly.

"Yeah, I am. They're just in the store so you should probably leave before they come back" you warned them. Of course, you were lying but they didn't know that.

"That's strange, we only saw your horse at the hitching post" Agent Ross hummed, glancing back over his shoulder in the direction of where you had hitched your horse.

"That is strange because the other's brought their horses as well" you shrugged, deciding to go along with the lie even if they weren't buying it.

"Yeah, yeah very strange" Milton nodded, mocking thoughtfulness, as he stepped towards you. You barely had any time to react before he placed his hand on your shoulder, turning you around before grabbing your wrists and pulling them behind your back.

"What are you doing?" you asked, instantly starting to struggle against him and trying to pull your wrists out of his grasp.

"You're under arrest" Agent Milton told you, his voice followed by the click of handcuffs.

"For what?" you asked, still pulling against him even though you knew that there was noway you were getting out of the handcuffs.

"Associating with wanted criminals" Milton answered, grabbed you by the arm as he turned you both back to face Agent Ross.

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