Charles Smith: So Much More

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Charles Smith X Arthur's shy younger half sister

Summary: You're worried that Charles will never see you as anything other than Arthur's little sister.

Word Count: 3700

Since you and your older brother, Arthur Morgan, joined the van der Linde gang, you had seen many people come and go. You had met very different people, some respectable and polite, others mindless thugs. You had met men like Lenny Summers, sweet and goodhearted, and you had met men like Micah Bell, cruel and antagonistic. Still, you had never met a men like Charles Smith.

As soon as Charles joined the gang, you had been drawn to him. You couldn't quite put your finger on what it was but you were infatuated. Physically he was large and strong, completely competent in everything he does, he was so courageous. Yet he was quiet, cool headed, kind, sympathetic, thoughtful, and arguably honourable. He had you hooked from the first time he spoke to you, a man of few words yet completely endearing to you.

Now, there were two main problems regarding your crush on Charles.

The first problem was that he was a member of the gang. You never wanted to date a member of the gang, you knew that it could get so complicated and you didn't want that. Plus Arthur is pretty protective and probably wouldn't be too happy about it

The second problem was that you were Arthur's younger sister and you were pretty sure that was all Charles would ever see you as. You would describe yourself as shy, quiet and timid. Some people may say that makes you and Charles good together, both being quiet and reserved people, but you disagreed. You weren't courageous like him. Charles may be quiet sometimes but he was far from timid, why would he want a woman so timid? You just didn't see how he could want you.

Maybe your crush on Charles wouldn't be so much of a problem if you weren't around him all day. Of course, you both lived in the same camp so you would see each other daily, but it was also more than that. Charles didn't avoid you, he didn't just nod at you as you walked past, he was friendly and would start small conversations with you. It probably sounds like your complaining about nothing but it all just made it so difficult to keep repressing your feelings for him.

Charles wasn't blind, he was actually very observant. He was possibly the most observant member of the gang. He had noticed the way that you act around him, the way you blush or get flustered. You were shy around everyone, it was in your nature, but you were different around him. You didn't smile like that when you were talking to the others, you didn't hang your head so that your hair would cover your face. You only acted that way around him. Charles could tell when a woman is attracted to him, he was pretty certain that you had some sort of feelings for him.

If you were anyone else, he would have ignored it but he just so happened to return your feelings. When he first met you, he was smitten. It was just everything about you, you had Charles' attention. Then he found out that you were Arthur younger sister.

Charles never saw you as just Arthur's little sister but it was something that he considered when he thought about his feelings for you. Arthur was his friend, a good friend, and he didn't want to do anything to betray that trust. He had hoped his feelings for you would fade but they never did.


You had gone into town with Arthur, Charles and Javier. The four of you had been selected to run a few chores for Dutch, technically you and Arthur were selected and Javier and Charles had offered to accompany you both.

Arthur and Javier had gone off together to sort out some job for Dutch, which was the main reason for the trip into town, while you and Charles handled the more mediocre chores. Charles had gone to the stables while you went to the general store, both of you being tasked with picking up some simple supplies for the camp and it would be quicker to split up.

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